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MAY 21 - JUN 20

This week, your overall outlook starts to change.?

The beginning of the week starts with the moon in fiery Aries on February 2 in your 11th house of social networks, making a positive aspect to the sun in Aquarius in your 9th house of expansion. This emotional jolt will show you what is possible for you to achieve when you look to collaborate with friends and associates.?

Love planet Venus enters Aries on Monday, February 3, in this same social house that is also connected to hopes and wishes. Now until March 26, your social currency is the most helpful when it comes to your advancement. Your planetary ruler Mercury makes a beautiful aspect to expansive Jupiter, currently in your sign, on February 3, bringing a feeling of inspiration and optimism. Jupiter finally moves forward after a 3-month retrograde on February 4, potentially bringing a gift in the form of information. Be on the lookout for a pleasant surprise.?

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16 february - 22 february
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe