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AUG 23 - SEP 22

This week, focus on setting up new systems in your routine.?

The week kicks off on Sunday, February 2 with the energizing Aries moon in your 8th house of shared resources, receiving support from the sun in your 6th house of routine, and Jupiter in your 10th house of career. The top of the week is a good time to review your budget, prep your taxes, or take care of your regular expenses.?

The financial efficiency trend continues Monday, February 3, when your planetary ruler, Mercury harmonizes with lucky Jupiter in your career sector. The same day, money and love planet Venus, moves into this 8th house, where it will go retrograde on March 1 and stay until March 26. This week you can start setting long-term financial goals, especially if they involve another person or an institution. But remember to leave some room for fun and play, especially when Venus and Pluto vibe together on Friday, February 7, bringing a spark of love and passion.?

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16 february - 22 february
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe