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MAY 21 - JUN 20

This week, business trumps personal.??

This week kicks off on Sunday, February 9 with your planetary ruler Mercury “cazimi,” in your 9th house of expansion. Expand your mind and start learning something to enhance your career.?

Monday, February 10, Mercury squares off against Uranus in your 12th house of solitude. You may feel misunderstood, The moon in a supportive aspect to Venus will help you smooth over any disagreements or misunderstandings.?

Tuesday, February 11, the moon makes a helpful aspect to Jupiter in your sign. You feel jovial, competent, and optimistic.?

The Leo full moon on Wednesday, February 12 may bring on irrational thoughts. The feeling will subside, so avoid making major decisions today.??

Valentine’s Day, Friday, February 14, has a practical tone this year with the moon in Virgo, opposing Saturn. You may be bound by professional duties, but set aside time to celebrate love with someone or with yourself.?

The week ends on Saturday, February 15 with the moon’s move into Libra in your romance sector, aspecting Venus in Aries, and Pluto in Aquarius. It’s a good day to try something you’ve never done before with friends.?

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23 february - 01 march
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe