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JUL 23 - AUG 22

This week you’ll find inspiration through connecting with others.?

The week starts Sunday, February 2 with the moon in your sister sign, Aries in your 9th house of expansion. Your planetary ruler, the sun, sends beams and along with lucky Jupiter to the moon, encouraging collaboration and connection with friends and/or a close partner this week.??

Love planet Venus moves into your 9th house of travel and spirituality on Monday, February 3, where it will go retrograde on March 1, and stay until March 26. Jupiter turns direct on Tuesday, February 4, and you may feel inspired to physically travel or plan a trip, enroll in a class, or connect with people from different backgrounds. Mark Tuesday February 3, and Friday February 7, as days when you can have a penetrating mental connection with a romantic or platonic partner. Share your most brilliant ideas with confidence.?

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16 february - 22 february
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe