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JUN 21 - JUL 22

This week, you may experience a life-changing epiphany.?

The week starts Sunday, February 2 with a fiery moon in Aries in your 10th house of status and reputation, receiving support from the sun in your 8th house of transformation, and Jupiter in your 12th house of endings. A spark of truth or important insight may help you make a decision about something you’ve been on the fence about. But wait until after Mars goes direct in your sign on February 23 to act.?

Relationship planet Venus moves into your 10th house of status and career on Monday, February 3, bringing an extra dose of pleasure to this area through March 26. Support may come from a woman or someone you have an important relationship with, that helps you advance or shine professionally.? Jupiter wakes up from its 3-month slumber on Tuesday, February 4, and Venus harmonizes with powerful Pluto on Friday, February 7, giving you a jolt of power. Embrace and own it this week.?

Gain insight into your child’s personality and support their development with your premium Child Birth Chart.
16 february - 22 february
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe