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OCT 23 - NOV 21

This week, focus on refining your routine and home life.?

The week begins on Sunday, February 2 with the moon in your 6th house of daily activities receiving support from the sun in your 4th house of home, and Jupiter in your 8th house of shared resources. It’s a great time to get laser-focused on home-related expenses and building more financial security.?

Monday, February 3, amorous Venus moves into your 6th house of routine and health until March 26. With the upcoming Venus retrograde on March 1, you’ll spend an extended amount of time focused on your health, bringing pleasure to your daily routine, or collaborating with coworkers. Create better habits for yourself, especially linked to your finances and emotional growth. Jupiter goes direct in your 8th house of transformation on Tuesday, February 4 to support you. Your modern ruler Pluto, connects to Venus on Friday, February 7, and you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment.?

Gain insight into your child’s personality and support their development with your premium Child Birth Chart.
16 february - 22 february
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe