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DEC 22 - JAN 19

This week, your work-life and routines start to run smoother.?

The week kicks off on Sunday, February 2 with the fiery Aries moon in your 4th house of home receiving good vibes from the sun in your 2nd house of income, and Jupiter in your 6th house of routine. This is a great day to catch up on outstanding tasks around the house, bills, and general responsibilities. Things get softer on Monday, February 3 when Venus moves into your 4th house of home and family. For the next 6 weeks you’ll be focused on bringing more harmony, love, and pleasure into your home and interactions with family. You may decide to start or finish a home renovation project.?

Monday is also a power work day for you. You’ll be innovative and efficient. Jupiter goes direct in your work sector on Tuesday, February 4, and projects start to get back on track. End the work week by pampering yourself at home on Friday, February 7. Your body will thank you.?

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16 february - 22 february
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe