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MAY 21 - JUN 20

This week, find the balance between work and play.??

This week kicks off on Sunday, February 16 with the moon in your sister sign, Libra in your 5th house of romance and creativity. With the moon’s positive aspect to auspicious Jupiter in your sign, but challenging position to frustrating Mars, and healing Chiron, you could feel like energy and support you are putting into others, or your pursuit of your wishes, isn’t being returned or coming to fruition. This feeling will subside. Focus on how much you’ve accomplished thus far.??

Monday, February 17, the moon makes a harmonious aspect to the sun in Aquarius for most of the day, activating your house of higher learning. Hobbies, fun, play, and time with children are more enjoyable today. Romance is also supported, as well as learning something new. Try making that international recipe you saved.?

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02 march - 08 march
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe