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JAN 20 - FEB 18

This week, a solid spiritual practice will keep you grounded.??

This week kicks off on Sunday, February 16 with the moon in your 9th house of expansion. With the moon’s positive aspect to auspicious Jupiter in your 5th house of expression, but challenging position to frustrating Mars in your 6th house of work, and healing Chiron in your communication sector, you may feel frustrated if you’re not able to get your point across to someone. There’s no need to prove yourself. Put your energy into an activity that makes you feel centered. Don't try to fit a square peg into a round hole.?

Monday, February 17, the moon makes a harmonious aspect to the sun in your sign for most of the day, activating your 1st house of self. This is an excellent day to promote and market yourself, unapologetically. You may also feel inspired to start the study of a new subject, or engage in a spiritually-lifting activity.

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02 march - 08 march
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe