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DEC 22 - JAN 19

This week, you could reach an important milestone.

The week begins on Monday, April 8, with a solar eclipse in Aries. There could be big changes at home. Capricorn, you might decide that you want to move, sell the house, or take in a roommate. You might be looking to renovate the house or declutter from top to bottom. There could also be changes in the family with the announcement of a pregnancy or one of your kids moving back home.

On Tuesday, April 9, Venus in Aries makes a semisquare to Uranus in Taurus. All the changes that are happening in your life could be stressing you out a bit. You might feel indecisive about what direction to go. You could be stressed about other people’s indecision as they vacillate between one choice and another. You might have to surrender and allow things to play out on their own.

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20 april - 26 april
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe