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JAN 20 - FEB 18

This week, you are being guided.

The week begins on Monday, April 8, with a solar eclipse in Aries. It’s time to change your thinking. If you’re having the same thoughts over and over, you are leading to the same conclusion. Now you might get new information that causes you to really rethink what you thought was a done deal. Right now, don’t doggedly hold on to old ideas. Look for something new and outside the box and this will catapult you forward.

On Tuesday, April 9, Venus in Aries makes a semisquare to Uranus in Taurus and your house of family. Aquarius, your innovative ideas can stress out others. You might be blocking a tradition in the family or suggesting some things that are way outside their comfort zone. Understand that if you get some pushback from the people you care about, it means they haven’t yet processed this new information.

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20 april - 26 april
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe