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MAR 21 - APR 19

This week, you could get your hands on more money.

The week begins on Sunday, May 5, with the sun in Taurus making a semisextile to the North Node in Aries. A purchase might feel like it’s meant to be. Aries, you might be willing to stretch your budget to include this object. But either it’s hard to get your hands on it or you’re a little dissatisfied once it’s in your possession. You might want to put this in your shopping cart and wait 24 hours to see if you really need it.

On Monday, May 6, Saturn in Pisces makes a semisquare to Pluto in Aquarius and your house of technology and innovation. Sometimes the instructions are hard to follow, but now what you want to do could bring you to the point of frustration. This is a long aspect that has been building, but now you can let off some steam and start to see light at the end of the tunnel (even if it’s just a little bit of light).

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18 may - 24 may
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe