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MAR 21 - APR 19

This week, you’re tapping into your creative side.

The week begins on Sunday, April 28, with Mars conjoining Neptune in Pisces. Today, the will to do anything boring and mundane might drain right out of you. On the other hand, you could be inspired by art, music, or theater. Aries, you might have the energy to walk through a county fair or investigate a local art show. Go to a music festival or consider attending a Renaissance fair.

Venus enters the sign of Taurus on Monday, April 29, where it will stay until May 23. What’s the point of having money if you aren’t going to use it to get what you want? That could be your attitude now as Venus travels through your house of spending. You might be very attracted to shiny objects and tickets for fun experiences.

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11 may - 17 may
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe