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AUG 23 - SEP 22

This week, you see your way forward.

The week begins on Sunday, May 5, with the sun in Taurus making a semisextile to the North Node in Aries. Virgo, you could be very focused on family ties. You might look at genealogy to fill in the branches of your family tree. Or you might be looking at family patterns and how you’re connected in addition to being raised in the same household. You’re learning more about yourself by studying your relatives.

On Monday, May 6, Saturn in Pisces makes a semisquare to Pluto in Aquarius and your house of routines. Frustration could cause you to make a change today. You might stop what you’re doing to fix a drawer or broken step or clean out a cupboard so that things are easier to find. By taking a little extra time today, you can save yourself hours of frustration in the future.

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18 may - 24 may
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe