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FEB 19 - MAR 20

This week, a financial opportunity opens up.

The week begins on Sunday, April 28, with Mars conjoining Neptune in your own sign of Pisces. You can harness a little magic today. This is a good time to meditate or do visualizations or affirmations. Consider creating a vision board to hang on the wall or a digital one for your phone. Today, your message is heard by the Universe.

Venus enters the sign of Taurus on Monday, April 29, where it will stay until May 23. Today, you could be complimented on your voice. Someone might hear you speak and be entranced. If you’re looking for love, the sound of your voice could attract romance to you. Pisces, you might fall in love with someone because of their poetic expressiveness.

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11 may - 17 may
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe