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JAN 20 - FEB 18

This week, new opportunities are flowing to you.

The week begins on Sunday, April 21, with the sun in Taurus squaring Pluto in your own sign of Aquarius and your house of confidence. Family members might notice that you’re more confident now. Aquarius, you could earn respect from an older relative and encouragement from a sibling. Your family members are seeing you for who you really are.

On Monday, April 22, Venus in Aries makes a semisextile to Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. You might be very busy today. Everyone seems to need you, and your phone could be beeping all day long. You might be running in ten directions at once. Today, you’re very popular and in high demand. This is also a good day to launch a media campaign.

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04 may - 10 may
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe