TV Stars, EPs Give Us Their 2016 TV-Related New Year's Resolutions
It’s the most wonderful time of the year: The time to resolve to start doing something good or stop doing something bad. We know, we know, New Year’s resolutions are made to be broken. So, maybe it’s time to resolve to do something that’s actually attainable — and fun.
While the rest of us vow to lose weight, quit smoking, and fix our finances in the new year, some of our favorite stars and executive producers (and, yes, even our own Ken Tucker) have TV on their mind as they head into 2016. And we have a feeling they might actually pull these resolutions off! Read on for a list of TV stars, writers, and producers who’ve given us their TV-related New Year’s resolutions for 2016 (hint: there’s a whole lot of binge-watching about to happen), and let us know what yours are in the comments.
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Bridget Carpenter (EP, 11.22.63): My resolution is truly to make sure that I have not missed a single solitary minute of High Maintenance because I think that is one of the greatest things I have ever seen. I am so excited it is moving to HBO, but I will literally watch it anytime anywhere. I think those creators are gifted. That’s where it is at.

Charlie Day (EP/star, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia): I’m gonna have to catch up on some Game of Thrones. My bosses at FX probably wouldn’t want me pushing an HBO show, but… we actually went to go see them film in Ireland — Glenn [Howerton] and Rob [McElhenney] and I. So I should stay up to date on that. And I loved the first season of Fargo, but I have not checked out the second season, and I need to see that.
Related: Stars, EPs Name Their Favorite TV Shows of 2015
America Ferrera (star, Superstore): I guess my TV-related New Year’s resolution would be to diversify. I have been binging on shows so I’m only ever doing one show at a time versus getting a taste of the big ol’ pupu platter. So when people are talking about TV I can’t offer much or things get spoiled on shows I haven’t gotten to yet so I feel like I want to try in the new year to watch a little of a lot of different shows.

Kat Likkel (EP, Galavant): You know, when John [Hoberg] and I get a break from doing this, we have a list of shows that we want to watch. Honestly, I’ve got to catch up on Ray Donovan, which is fantastic show, and it was embarrassing to tell [Galavant guest star Eddie Marsan] that I haven’t seen it recently. I want to catch up on… I’m so behind on so many things, it’s embarrassing to talk about. I’ve got to catch up on Game of Thrones. I’ve got to catch up on Downton Abbey. I’ve got to catch up on Last Man on Earth. There’s just a lot of shows.

Jenni Konner (EP, Girls): I’m actually staunchly opposed to New Year’s resolutions, but I can make them for everyone else! I watch Transparent. Everyone should be watching that. I’ve watched the whole thing already. It’s incredible. The new season of Veep, I’m really excited about. We’re just huge fans of that show. I love Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and I just admire her so much. She can do no wrong. The cast gets more full and more exciting every year. The regulars are always impeccable, but then they just pepper it with new people, and you’re like, “Where did they find that guy?” Which is my way of saying I’m very jealous of the casting. So I’m looking forward to that. I will continue to watch The Good Wife religiously.
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Jonathan Krisel (EP, Portlandia and Baskets): I already gave up on True Detective. I gave up on the last episode of the first season. I was like, “OK…” There are a couple shows that I do want to watch, but I’m afraid they’re a little bit close to what I’m working on, so I don’t watch them on purpose. Fargo is the one show I’ve heard so many positive reviews on. It is my favorite movie.
Liz Meriwether (creator/EP New Girl): My New Year’s resolution is probably to be like sleeping through New Year’s because it’s my only break from the show.

McG (EP, Shadowhunters): My New Year’s resolution is to stop torturing myself with trying to unravel the secrets hidden in the Game of Thrones advertising. I look at this new Jon Snow campaign and I don’t know what to make of it, but they always seem to break my heart. I’ll do my best to stop obsessing.
Darren Star (creator, Younger): I have about 10 years of shows to binge, but I guess I have to start with Breaking Bad. I feel like it’s on the shelf next to War and Peace in terms of things that are important that I have to get through and haven’t done. It’s never too late, right?

David Windsor (EP, The Real O’Neals): Watch more TV? I really want to catch up on — I’m a big Nashville fan, actually. I haven’t been able to catch up on House of Cards yet. These are all dramas, so it doesn’t look good for a comedy writer. And I’m really excited for the new season of Louie. And my kids really want me to catch up on The Goldbergs and Black-ish, so when I have time I’m gonna watch that with them.
Carlton Cuse (Creator, Colony): I have to find some way to have TV injected directly into my brain to make it possible to watch twice as much stuff in half as much time. My resolution is to be more chilled out about the fact that there are so many shows I wish I could watch that I don’t have time to watch. I have to be more accepting of this reality.