Happy Birthday, 'Sesame Street'! Watch Their 5 Best TV Parodies
Hard to believe it was only 46 years ago today that viewers first asked that all-important question: “Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?” That’s right, the long-running childhood staple (which recently announced a move from its longtime home on PBS to HBO) premiered on Nov. 10, 1969, introducing young audiences to such beloved generation-spanning puppet characters as Bert, Ernie, Cookie Monster and Big Bird. In addition to teaching kids how to read, spell and sing, Sesame Street has also performed a valuable public service by spoofing some of our favorite television series. So as a birthday present to the series — and to us — we’ve picked the show’s five best TV parodies.
5) Heaviest Catch
Earlier this year, Deadliest Catch fans voted dearly departed Captain Phil Harris
the Greatest Reality TV Personality of All Time. One imagines he’d be equally honored to be memorialized in Sesame Street form as Captain Heartburn, who leads his intrepid crew on a mission to haul up the heaviest catch from the waters of the Bering Sea. Honoring the late Captain Harris is a heavy duty, but Sesame Street pulled it off with a light touch.
4) Homelamb
Looking to keep the nation’s sheep population safe from wolves in woolen clothing, FBI agent Ca-a-a-rie correctly surmises that Nicholas Ba-a-a-a-rody isn’t who he appears to be. A note perfect send-up of its source material, Homelamb makes Season 2 of Homeland look especially baa-a-a-d.
3) House of Bricks
Keeping with the lupine theme, Washington insider Frank Underwolf looks to blow down the domiciles of three little pigs like…well, like a House of Cards. It goes without saying, though, that his plans eventually run into a brick wall.
2) Mad Men
Veteran “Mad Man” Mr. Draper gets in touch with his emotions while searching for the right advertisement to sell Happy Honey Bear-brand honey. Fortunately, his path to happiness doesn’t involve alcohol, infidelity and a stint in a spiritual retreat.
1) Game of Chairs
We pledge allegiance to House Bluejoy, despite the fact that its main monster’s fur is blue and he’s full of errors. Maybe Game of Thrones’ major players should just settle their leadership problems with a game of musical chairs. Certainly a lot more fun (and a whole lot less bloody) than the game of thrones they’re playing right now.
Sesame Street airs weekdays at 10 a.m. on PBS