'Game of Thrones': The 10 Best Action Sequences

10. Stannis vs. King’s Landing
It was the sellsword Bronn who fired the arrow laced with wildfire that kicked off the Battle of the Blackwater, the show’s first stab at a giant-scale battle sequence, and also the first of many times that the would-be king Stannis Baratheon has had his rear end handed to him. The fact that the fight took place at night allowed director Neil Marshall to hide some of the less impressive digital effects, while also fostering an atmosphere of breathless tension that had us wanting to follow Joffrey’s lead and flee the frontlines. Blackwater was the place where Game of Thrones planted its flag as a first-rate purveyor of fantasy spectacle.
(Credit: HBO)

9. The Bear vs. the Maiden Fair
Despite being experienced brawlers, Brienne of Tarth and Jaime Lannister spend the majority of this fight trying to avoid their furry opponent. But can you blame them? That bear is a freakin’ giant! (To be fair, Brienne actually does try to fight the beast, swatting him with her wooden sword. It’s Jaime who favors the “Run away!” strategy.) And even though this behind-the-scenes video makes it clear that no actual bears — or people — were harmed in the making of this sequence, it’s harrowing enough to put you off all bear-related entertainments, from Yogi Bear to the Country Bear Jamboree.
(Credit: HBO)

8. Syrio Forel vs. Lannister Enforcers
It takes a true master of the blade to defeat a host of opponents with a training sword. That’s the kind of schooling that master swordsman Syrio, provides Arya Stark, in what turns out to be her final lesson. Of course, wood can only defend against steel for so long; the brave Forel eventually falls beneath Ser Meryn Trant’s onslaught. Arya is long gone by then, but she reserves a special place for him on her kill list going forward.
(Credit: HBO)

7. The Wildlings vs. the Wall
They may be a ragtag bunch compared to the well-armed, well-defended legions of the Night’s Watch, but the Wildling army makes for a formidable opponent, precisely because they have nothing to lose. Just watch them attack that 700-foot wall of ice, with human-sized soldiers scaling its towering heights like a jungle gym — trying to dodge obstacles like giant scythes — while giants break through the gates that rest at its base. Victory is essentially impossible, but the Wildlings don’t appear to know the meaning of that word.
(Credit: HBO)

6. Khal Drogo vs. Mago
In a finishing move that causes even Mortal Kombat fans to go “Ewwww!” Khal Drogo rips out his opponent’s tongue through his throat after Mago makes the mistake of insulting the moon of the mighty Khal’s life. That’s one way to silence trash talkers.
(Credit: HBO)

5. Brienne vs. The Hound
The cliffs of Westeros (or, you know, Ireland) provide a suitably epic backdrop for Sandor Clegane’s send-off at the sword, hands, and teeth of Brienne. The fallen knight has no shame in employing dirty tactics to defeat his noble nemesis, forcing Brienne to go feral in her own attempts to survive; after taking a big bite out of Clegane’s one good ear, she literally punches the guy off a cliff. It’s not a clean victory for Brienne, but at least it’s a victory.
(Credit: HBO)

4. Grey Worm vs. the Sons of the Harpy
The most trusted soldier in Daenerys’s Unsullied army doesn’t sully his reputation in this extended battle against Meereen’s masked band of insurgents, the Sons of the Harpy. After the other soldiers in his squad fall, Grey Worm takes on the remaining Sons by himself, until Ser Barristan shows up to offer some timely assistance. While the elderly knight goes down swinging, Grey Worm lives to fight another day.
(Credit: HBO)

3. Ser Beric vs. The Hound
In which we learn that the Westerosi answer to a lightsaber is a flaming sword. Even though the Hound has good reason to be afraid of fire, he doesn’t back down from Ser Beric’s heated blade, hacking and slashing with all his might, and eventually burying the pointy end of his weapon in his opponent’s chest. Thanks to a timely resurrection, Beric gets an extra life, but there’s no doubt who won that round.
(Credit: HBO)

2. Oberyn Martell vs. The Mountain
If battles were won purely on style, Oberyn Martell defeated The Mountain a thousand times over. Armed with a poison-laced spear and light armor that provides him with plenty of mobility, the Dornish prince puts on a grand show for the audience in the amphitheater and at home. In the end, though, style isn’t enough. Once the Mountain gets his giant hands on Oberyn, his death is quick and exceptionally bloody.
(Credit: HBO)

1. The Night’s Watch vs. the Night’s King
The Battle of Hardhome fulfills the promise of the Battle of the Blackwater and then some. In a sustained set piece that lasts 20 minutes and took almost a month to shoot, the village of Hardhome is transformed into a slaughterhouse, as Jon Snow comes face to face with the Night King’s White Walkers and realizes once and for all what mankind is up against. This special-effects reel showcases the painstaking process that went into making Hardhome a battle for the ages. Amazingly, Game of Thrones producers are promising an even bigger battle in Season 6. That means Hardhome might be demoted to No. 2 at this time next year.
(Credit: HBO)
Our long wait is (almost) over. A year after the Season 5 finale that launched a thousand fan theories, Game of Thrones is preparing to enter new territory in its sixth season, which debuts Sunday, April 24 on HBO. For the first time in its history, the series will venture completely off book, as the writers have lapped the release of author George R.R. Martin’s final two novels. So now, both readers and newbies will be on the same proverbial page when we return to Westeros, Dorne, and points beyond.
As viewers count down the days to Game of Thrones’ return, we here at Yahoo TV are launching our official countdown: #GoTIsComing. Check back here every day over the next month as we explore all of our favorite (and a few of our least favorite) people, places, and things about television’s most addictive show. From Direwolves and Dragons to the shows most hideous deaths and imperiled characters, we’re going to indulge or GoT obsession with the same fervor that Cersei imbibes alcohol. So raise a glass and toast the impending arrival of a long, cruel, and bloody Westerosi winter.
Whenever Game of Thrones is on the air, you don’t have to go to the multiplex to see amazing action sequences. Just tune in to HBO every Sunday night, and you’ll receive a master class in fight choreography and battle tactics. And with each season, the cast and crew have only grown bolder with the ambition, as well as the execution, of those big screen-ready set pieces.
The action sings with the clanging of swords, the grunts of warriors, and the impressively invisible work of the show’s army of special effects technicians. Each of the show’s 50 episodes to date contains at least one memorable brawl, but we’ve gone ahead and assembled our definitive list (to date) of the 10 best Game of Thrones action sequences. Let the fighting begin!
Game of Thrones Season 6 premieres Sunday, April 24 at 9 p.m. on HBO.
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