Chelsea Clinton's Baby Could Be the Next Secretary of State, According to Astrologist Susan Miller
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Baby Charlotte’s natal horoscope shows influences from her grandfather, Bill Clinton, her grandmother, Hillary, her mother, Chelsea and father, Marc Mezvinsky. Her grandfather on her father’s side, Edward Mezvinsky, a Capricorn, seems to have little influence on this child. Baby Charlotte will grow very close to her grandfather, Bill Clinton, where she will get many practical tips on life and career. She will come to him often to discuss plans and ideas and they will have fun together. She will feel the most emotional closeness and joy from her mother, Chelsea, (a water sign Pisces with Scorpio rising), and grandmother (a Scorpio) because this baby’s natal moon is in Scorpio.
The moon in our natal chart is considered the repository of dreams and emotions, and reflects how we view our mother. A mother may have three children, each born with their natal moons in different signs, but each child would describe their mother’s personality differently, for the moon colors that child’s view of her. In this case, Charlotte will see her mother as street smart, persistent, determined, discrete, intuitive, powerful, and also warmly emotional, all words used to describe Scorpio, the sign of the baby’s moon in her natal chart.
The baby has Mars in Sagittarius, something I will discuss in more depth later, but I will say now that this is the sign of her father, Marc Mezvinsky, so she will have lots of interactions with him—he will be a source of energy and intellectual debate. Sagittarius is a fire sign, and Charlotte is an air sign, elements that go well together. Mars holds a special place in the baby’s chart, but when overly activated by other transiting planets, Mars does also rule strife, so at times she might not agree with her father, and they will have some spirited debates. She will go to him for mental stimulation, but as said, to be comforted and to feel emotionally secure, she will go to her nurturing water sign Pisces mother or water sign Scorpio grandmother Hillary.
Baby Charlotte has the sun in Libra, the sign that her grandfather, Bill Clinton, has rising. (Bill Clinton also has many planets in Libra, known to bestow charm and intelligence—Jupiter, Venus, Neptune and Mars. This is another reason why Bill Clinton will have such a strong bond with baby Charlotte.) With a grandmother who has been Secretary of State and a grandfather who was a former President, this baby comes from political royalty, and surely family highly skilled in the art of compromise. Indeed, baby Charlotte will grow up to be a master at give and take, and will always search for—and find—the right answer to any delicate question. This baby could make a skilled politician someday because she would create a win-win situation for both sides, a talent many hope to achieve and few can muster.
The baby’s rising sign would be important, and can only be determined by birth moment. The rising sign is every bit as important as the Sun sign, and in fact, astrologers treat the rising sign and sun signs nearly interchangeably.
ABC News reports Charlotte was born at 7:03 PM in Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, so Charlotte has entrepreneurial Aries rising, with independent Uranus precisely on the horizon line, rising too. This suggests she will grow up to be a mover and shaker, a self-starter, and a powerful voice for her generation. Charlotte will pave new paths, and this may not show up immediately, but later, as she grows up. She prefers to remain unshackled and not overly managed, another reason a leadership position in politics would appeal to her. If she does not go into politics, she will want to be self-employed and run her own company.
Charlotte’s mother, Chelsea, has Uranus in the first house too, just like baby Charlotte, so both mother and child have the same streak of independence and a desire to make use of their innate managerial and leadership skills. Being that the birth of a baby is important to all members of a family, we often inherit certain aspects from our relatives, as our parents’ and grandparents’ charts light up as the birth takes place. Mother Chelsea Clinton Mezvinsky may surprise us by eventually running for office herself. Although as a Pisces, Chelsea seems outwardly quiet and retiring, she is also admirably strong-willed, and her Pisces Sun makes her compassionate, and be moved to make a difference to those who suffer. (It is interesting to note that Hillary Clinton has the moon in Pisces, so Chelsea and her mother have many of the same sensitivities in common.) Chelsea—and baby Charlotte when she grows up—-won’t give up any race easily.
The ruler of Aries, her rising sign, is Mars, so Mars takes on special significance in this baby’s chart, giving her the energy, determination and courage of a warrior. Mars is found in Sagittarius in the baby’s natal chart, a sign associated with the Olympian, so she may love sports, possibly horse riding or dressage, archery, sprinting, long distance running, or other sports that would take advantage of her strong constitution.
Sagittarius is a global sign, indicating during her life she will mix and mingle with many international heads of state, ambassadors, successful authors, and academics, such as professors and presidents of various universities. Mars tours the eighth house, making her highly intuitive, and her ability to literally “feel” which way one of her decisions should go is also underscored by the placement of Neptune in her twelfth house of the subconscious. Her instinct will not let her down.
Additionally, Uranus rules Aquarius and thereby rules the baby’s eleventh house of friendships, so Charlotte’s friends will be highly creative, and among her circle, one or two will be true geniuses. Her friends will stimulate her deeply and encourage her to venture into new paths, for many of her friends will be visionaries. Uranus is closely linked to humanitarian, community and charitable projects, so at some point in Charlotte’s life, she will work hard for the greater good.
The ruler of her sun sign, Libra, is Venus, found in Virgo in her natal chart, in the sixth house of service to others. This indicates that this child will likely want to grow up to be a public servant and work tirelessly for those who have been overlooked in society. It may be that Charlotte will focus on helping causes related to the health, education and care of children (indicated by Jupiter in Leo) or in some way work to help animals (the sixth house, with many important planets, is associated with small domestic animals. Sagittarius, the sign her natal Mars, rules large animals and wild life) so her focus may be the environmental and species protection.
With Pluto at the tip-top of the chart, she will become very powerful and known, although with so many planets in the sixth house she will focus more on what she does than the power she wields. She will be modest—a lot like Hillary, who said once during the debates, “There are show horses and work horses. I am a work horse.” Charlotte will be very much like her grandmother, Hillary, in that regard—a hard worker and that will make her beloved by voters. Pluto in Capricorn will also give skill with managing massive budgets, and fluency with money markets, skills she will inherit from her father.
Still, natal Pluto at the top of her chart will make her powerful but also a target for disgruntled people in Washington. Powerhouse Pluto is found in loose square (4 degree span) to unpredictable Uranus in the natal chart. The fact that these two planets are found on the key angles of her chart: at the horizon or rising point, Uranus and the mid-heaven (top of the chart) where Pluto is based—suggests her ascent to power won’t always be easy.
Pluto represents powerful interests, so she may, at times, be surprised at the force of attacks she will be forced to endure. Pluto can produce very unfair circumstances when adversely angled (as this is in the natal chart) although she would only feel this rarely, when activated by other transiting planets. She may be criticized out of the blue at times, but not because of anything she did or said, but perhaps because of her family’s prominence in the Democratic Party. Alternatively, others may try to make her look bad, and manipulate facts in such a way to have her be accused of things she had no part in doing. Of course, her grandparents will offer sage advice on handling such situations.
Even if she does not go into politics, this Pluto and Uranus aspect remains in the natal chart, and so she will have to deal with such outrageously unfair circumstances from time to time. She has other outstanding aspects that will counter this tough natal placement (see the very last paragraph of this report—it’s something I am holding to the end)!
The baby’s moon is in Scorpio, the sun sign of her grandmother, Hillary, so she will be a shrewd, street-smart negotiator—“You give me this, and I will give you that.” Moon-in-Scorpio natives are true blue and loyal to those they hold dear. Although she will have many friends, she will hold only a few, hand picked ones close to her heart. Her Jupiter is in Leo, the sign of her grandfather, Bill Clinton, and this placement gives a sunny, cheerful demeanor and outlook and explains why she will gravitate to her grandfather for laughter and fun.
Jupiter in Leo in the fifth house suggests she will love children and someday can have as many children of her own as she likes—this is a fertile placement. Baby Charlotte will also be very creative, a trait that will show up in childhood and will continue to be exhibited throughout her life. She will be especially talented with color and design, and as a child should be given lots of creative materials to play with at an early age: paints, crayons, clay, fabric, glitter and glue, computer software for artistic expression, and so forth. Jupiter in Leo may give a love and talent for music, and so she may enjoy taking music lessons on an instrument. She should be exposed to culture at an early age too—she’ll absorb all she is exposed to in museums, at the ballet, and concert hall quite joyfully.
If Charlotte does not go into politics and champion children’s rights and needs (indicated by Jupiter in Leo), she might write children’s books, design children’s clothing or toys, or create children’s programming for television or the movies, and all will be areas of potential financial gain. In this case, she woul be self-employed, as Aries (the sign she has rising) can not bear to have a boss over them.
Libras like to be married—it is the sign that rules marriage! Her parents need not worry about her being impulsive—she will be slow and careful in her choice of mate. She will prize stability above all, and with her natal Venus in Virgo, she will be very selective about whom she dates. The presence of Saturn in her seventh house of marriage suggests the possibility that she will either marry when later, in her thirties, or to a person who is significantly older than she, say eight or more years (or who seems older than his years because her beloved seems so mature). Charlotte has the moon and Mercury in the marriage house, giving further evidence that she will enjoy being married, and having a sounding board in a mate to temper her ideas.
With the ruler of her house of marriage (Venus) posited in her sixth house, of the two, her career position will be higher and more prestigious than that of her husband. They will likely either meet at work, or else later decide to work together in the same office later (or on the same type projects), but her title will be the one with greater power and prestige. This arrangement will work for the couple—the fact that she will have a higher station in life will not be an impediment—and describes happy marriage for many couples.
Charlotte was born only one day after one of the most hopeful, optimistic planetary aspects of all of 2014—-Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in perfect harmony with Uranus, planet of surprise. This aspect will still be at play. Jupiter is in her fifth house of love/ romance/ creativity /children and Uranus is in her first house of personality. She could become very well known for an artistic talent, so we will have to watch and wait to see which of her talents might emerge.
This aspect that arrived on September 25, is one I spoke about in depth in my monthly column on, and one that is a rare and special feature of 2014. (The last time we saw it anything similar it was in 2011.) It will bring unexpected, lucky breakthroughs to little Charlotte, all through her life and will also bring joy to her through love and children. She is very fortunate to have it! This is a five-star aspect.
Susan Miller is the founder of popular astrology website,