This Baby Is Officially the Queen of Naptime

New mom and photographer Laura Izumikawa Choi dresses up her daughter in amazing costumes during naptime. (Photo: Laura Izumikawa Choi/Instagram)
Little girls are known for their affinity to play dress-up. However, one mom decided to play dress-up with her daughter a bit early on in her life — at only 4 months old, to be exact.
New mom and photographer Laura Izumikawa Choi turned naptime into an incredibly creative new ritual, dressing her daughter, Joey Marie Choi, in various costumes from movies and TV shows and posting the hilarious results on her Instagram account.
“Because Joey slept so deeply, I thought it’d be fun adding little props on her just to send some hilarious pictures to our parents,” Choi told the Huffington Post. “It was a way to memorialize her growth and little milestones.”
A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa Choi (@lauraiz) on Jul 25, 2016 at 1:46pm PDT
A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa Choi (@lauraiz) on Aug 4, 2016 at 11:49am PDT
The images quickly spread throughout the Internet. After garnering a whopping 85,000 followers on her account, Choi began to second-guess her decision to post the pictures publicly. “Initially when I started getting a ton of online attention, there was a bit of a mother-bear type of panic, and I thought about stopping,” she explained to the Huffington Post. “But then I started receiving messages from countless people who said that the photos and videos were the highlight of their day and for some, a thing they enjoy to watch with their kids.”
A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa Choi (@lauraiz) on Aug 10, 2016 at 10:16am PDT
A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa Choi (@lauraiz) on Aug 19, 2016 at 11:39am PDT
Unsurprisingly, followers of Choi’s account have been extremely positive in their feedback on the images, writing comments like, “Awww love this! You are so creative and she is such a precious bub” and “So inspiring!!! Oh cutie with a cool mama!”
Clearly, baby Joey is a great sleeper if she’s able to nap throughout dress-up time. Here’s a look at more of Choi’s best work:
A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa Choi (@lauraiz) on Aug 12, 2016 at 12:19pm PDT
A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa Choi (@lauraiz) on Aug 8, 2016 at 2:05pm PDT
A photo posted by Laura Izumikawa Choi (@lauraiz) on Jun 17, 2016 at 11:05am PDT
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