Hey Girl! Introducing Baby Esmeralda Amada Gosling

Photo Everett Collection
It’s been almost a month since the world got a lot more beautiful thanks to the arrival of the Gosling-Mendes addition. But we’ve been sitting pretty since Sept. 12 for the reveal of the baby’s name and it’s finally been announced: Esmeralda Amada. Though Ryan Gosling, 33, and Eva Mendes, 40, steered clear of fruits – i.e. Apple Paltrow-Martin – and directions – cue North West – their choice is less amusing (albeit still interesting).
While the inspiration for their princess’ middle name – Amada – seems to be inspired by Mendes’ character (Amada) in her 2007 film, “We Own The Night,” we’re not so sure that Princess Esmeralda from Disney’s “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” was the main influence for her main moniker. Perhaps it was Gosling’s emerald eyes that drew the couple to the name. After all, according to Baby Name Wizard, Esmeralda is rooted in Spanish, "taken from the word meaning 'emerald.'"
While most Generation Y ladies are crushed because Mr. McSteamy is officially off limits (unless home-wrecking is your forté), we can’t wait to see what the “Gosbaby” will grow up to look like (although thanks to technology, we've gotten a sneak peak). After all, she’s the recipient of genes from two nearly perfect human beings.
Esmeralda Amada is the newest addition to a group of recently born (or soon to make their way out of a famous womb) babies that belong to the crème-de-la-crème of aesthetically pleasing celebrity parents. She’ll probably do daycare with Scarlett Johansson’s newest addition, Rose Dorothy, or partake in Mommy-and-Me class with Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher's kid. Maybe when the infant is older she'll take art classes with Zoe Saldaña's spawn or singing lessons with Kelly Rowland's tot.
Mendes has probably already curated the most perfect nursery for Esmeralda, but we can only hope that the new dad plastered one of his legendary “Hey Girl” memes above his daughter’s crib. Congrats!