Does Donald Trump Wear American on the Campaign Trail?

Campaign fashion has been a fairly regular topic this election season, though it seems that more ink is spilled over Hillary Clinton’s pantsuits and the dresses of Melania Trump and first lady Michelle Obama than on the wardrobes of their male counterparts. To be fair, there’s only so much that can be said about Washington’s endless sea of navy blue suits. Nevertheless, Donald Trump has managed to draw a particular amount of attention to his style choices — and rightfully so.
Taking a cue from Trump’s own rally cry of “Make America Great Again,” some people have pondered whether the Republican presidential candidate applies that same patriotic dedication to his wardrobe behind the podium. It’s well documented that his brand of men’s clothing, the Donald J. Trump Collection, is manufactured overseas, but does he wear American himself?
The New York Times recently sought to clear up the “mystery” of Donald Trump’s campaign clothing preferences. The paper received confirmation from the Trump camp that his long-standing affinity for off-the-rack suits made by the European label Brioni has persisted into the campaign season.
Whether he actually looks good in those $7,500 Italian suits may be a subject of debate itself — one that social media is happy to engage in:
We’ve also been informed that Trump sports the occasional custom suit made in the USA, from Brooklyn-based tailor Martin Greenfield. Greenfield’s creations have been sported by plenty of presidential and wannabe-presidential types, including Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama and Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
Does what Trump wear truly matter in the political game? Perhaps not, but it still seems like fair play, considering all the attention people pay to what women in politics wear on the job.
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