Diane Von Furstenberg Names Jeb Bush Best Dressed Republican Candidate

Diane Von Furstenberg loved Jeb Bush’s debate look. Graphic: Stephanie Jones for Yahoo Style. Photos: Getty
Diane von Furstenberg may be supporting Hillary Clinton’s bid for the presidency (as of this past February, anyway)—but that doesn’t mean she can’t weigh in on the other candidates’ sartorial strategies.
On Thursday, TMZ ran into the legendary designer outside of Madison Square Garden and managed to hold her attention just long enough to ask her the one question burning a hole through every American citizen’s mind: Which of the 11 Republican candidates involved in Wednesday’s presidential debate was dressed the best?
DVF says that, despite it being the height of New York Fashion Week, she did find time to watch the debate—but that “you couldn’t see very much” of the candidates’ getups, “could you?”
Still, after some prodding, she concedes that, in terms of debate dressing, there was one clear winner: Jeb Bush.
Or, as von Furstenberg puts it, “Eeuuhhh… Jeb Bush looks good?”
For the record, Bush was wearing a navy suit, white shirt, blue tie, a little American flag pin, and some minimalist glasses. All we’re saying is, don’t be surprised if any or all of these elements show up in DVF’s next collection.
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