Rainbow Hair's Not Going Anywhere in 2015

Brown hair? Blonde highlights? That is so two years ago. The world's love of ROYGBV—from fashion to celebrities—shows no sign of stopping in 2015. Last year, everyone from Ke$ha to Katy Perry dyed their locks seemingly every shade of the rainbow. Their friends—including Kelly Osbourne, Nicole Richie, and Lady Gaga—followed suit, testing out colors far outside the box (quite literally).
Related: Nicole Richie Talks Bright Hair, Being a Fashion Designer, and Raising Chickens (Really!)
But pop stars and eccentric personalities weren’t the only ones to test out the colorful trend; pastel and neon hues hit the mainstream mane scene as well. L’Oreal, The Body Shop, and others released hair chalk; Kylie Jenner — who appeared in paparazzi shots from day to day rocking a different shade from dip-dyed blonde to baby blue — partnered with Bellami Hair to promote hair extensions; Demi Lovato launched Secret Color, a line of pink, blue, red and purple hair extensions that attach with an invisible headband; and many more temporary and permanent accessible options hit the market making the color craze possible.
Related: How to Get French Girl Hair Right Now
More recently, Gwen Stefani's been experimenting with introducing patterns and designs in her side bangs, while others have gone beyond the primary color wheel and gone prematurely grey or silver (hello Zosia Mamet!). Take a look at those who have dared to dye and drum up some inspiration for your 2015 look.