Charming Film of Parents' Sweet Wishes for Newborns Goes Viral
From Bangladesh to Brazil, the United States to Poland, parents around the globe share a common hope for their children: to be happy in 2015. Fisher-Price shared heartwarming moments from mothers who expressed that sentiment right after they welcomed babies New Year’s Eve in their intimate short film, “Wishes for Baby.”
Photo: YouTube
Shot by local crews in 10 hospitals in seven countries in the hours leading up to Jan. 1, the minute-and-a-half spot has gone around the world as well, with 2 million Facebook views since it was posted that day. Globally, Fisher-Price marketing executive Lisa Mancuso tells Yahoo Parenting, total film views across platforms have climbed to 5 million.
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The countries in the film include Japan, Mexico, Brazil, Kenya, Bangladesh, Poland, and the U.S., with mothers from each nation wishing their newborns happiness, plus a few more focused aspirations: the hope that one child will “be loved by everyone,” said one mom, and, from another, that another will be able to go to school and become educated.
“We wanted to take the New Year’s Eve Baby concept, which has been done so many times already, and give it a global concept,” says Mancuso. “Every parent wants to give their child the best possible start, and this video goes to the core of that. No matter where you go, parents are united in their unconditional love for their babies.”
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And like the village that everyone agrees it takes to raise a child, this film required a lot of people’s help to come together. The 26 families shown were filmed and edited by a crew of more than 50 people worldwide in just 12 hours before debuting in 14 different countries.
Photo by YouTube
“We felt that we really had to do it in real time to capture the magic and emotion of welcoming a New Year’s Eve baby,” Mancuso explains. “It was so exciting!” Not to mention that fact that it was meaningful for all involved.
The documentary filmmaker who helped put it all together, Patrick Creadon, says the work was a labor of love. “I was drawn to this project having filmed the births of my own children and knowing that new life, combined with self-reflection brought on by a new year, would be a powerful thing to portray,” he wrote in a statement.
Facebook viewers have been writing in too, sharing dreams both sentimental and silly by the hundreds. “I wish for my son to be finished with shots and surgeries… to grow healthy…free of weekly therapies and doctor’s appointments,” declared one mother. Another offered, “I wish for my son to grow up and hopefully make it to the NFL because he loves football so much.”
With the responses to the #WishesForBaby hashtag, Fisher Price has enlisted illustrator Adele Enersen to art the most popular themes and post her creations each week to bring “your wishes to life.”
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