Cannabis-friendly parenting: Are '420 moms' the new 'wine moms?'

For years, the online world of parenting has been pervaded by memes, merchandise and mommy quotes promoting the belief that parenthood necessitates drinking. But with more and more states legalizing cannabis for the over-21 set, experts project that the cannabis industry will become a $70 billion market by 2028. With many frazzled parents included in that number, it seems marijuana might be replacing wine as the recreational go-to for many moms and dads. In fact, in 2020 alone, Americans turned to cannabis in record numbers, purchasing $18 billion worth of marijuana, a 71% increase from 2019. And while alcohol consumption also increased in 2020, 57% of parents say they prefer consuming cannabis to drinking. According to a survey of 1,122 Americans, parents make up 54% of people who currently use cannabis — and more than half of this group has kids under age 18. That means about 16 million parents of underage children are actively indulging. data shows that 67% of parents with kids under 18 say that cannabis makes them a better parent. Despite the possible safety concerns and judgment from other parents, cannabis-friendly parents believe there are many advantages to consuming cannabis
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