Tennessee Voices, Episode 277: Teresa Bailey, senior wealth strategist, Waddell and Associates
While women's control of wealth has reached an all-time high, there are still many barriers that have kept them from unleashing their financial potential.
On this episode of the Tennessee Voices video podcast, Teresa Bailey, who is the senior wealth strategist and director of development at Waddell & Associates, discussed the historic challenges for women.
Old laws and customs prevented women from receiving all the information about their family finances, but this is a new era.
Bailey talked about engaging women in conversation about how to break through the obstacles that have prevented them from investing their money.
In her experience working with female business owners and executives, she reminds them that money is not a math test, but rather it's about strategic thinking.
At the same time, she said that men and woman sometimes have different ways of thinking about money. Whereas men might see money as a means to achieve a target, women might think about the emotional outcome. Both types of thinking are necessary, she said.
Bailey also shared about helping clients overcome "imposter syndrome," in which they may not see themselves as worthy to achieve a better financial position. She assures them that they are.
More: How to navigate the changing financial landscape for women | Opinion
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David Plazas is the director of opinion and engagement for the USA TODAY Network Tennessee and an editorial board member of The Tennessean. Tweet to him at @davidplazas.
This article originally appeared on Nashville Tennessean: Tennessee Voices: Empowering women about wealth with Teresa Bailey