How to properly complete your mail-in ballot for the April 23 primary election in Pa.
Voting by mail can be convenient.
But failing to properly complete a mail-in ballot can just as easily take away your vote.
After a March 27 decision by the Philadelphia-based 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, election officials in Pennsylvania are barred from counting mail-in ballots that arrive on time but that have inaccurate dates or no dates handwritten on their exterior envelopes.
The decision makes it doubly important for voters to know the proper way to complete and return their mail-in ballot as the April 23 primary election looms.
How do I make sure my mail-in ballot is counted?
Here are some key mail-in ballot rules to remember:
Each ballot comes with two envelopes: a yellow inner “secrecy” envelope, labeled “official election ballot,” and an outer envelope.
Read the enclosed instructions carefully and mark your ballot. Be sure to complete the front and back of each page. You must use blue or black ink to fill out your ballot.
Seal your ballot in the inner secrecy envelope that indicates "official election ballot." Do not make any marks on the inner secrecy envelope.
Seal the inner secrecy envelope in the pre-addressed outer return envelope. You must sign and date the voter’s declaration on the outside of the outer return envelope, or your vote will not be counted.
How do I return my mail-in ballot?
Here are your options for returning your mail-in ballot:
By mail. Include postage on the outer return envelope.
Use the secure drop box located in front of the Erie County Courthouse. The drop box is available 24/7. You can only drop your own ballot in the box.
Hand deliver your ballot to the Voter Registration Office inside the Erie County Courthouse, Room 105
Ballots must be received by the Erie County Board of Elections by 8 p.m. on Election Day, or April 23.
If you applied for a ballot, but you have not received it, you may vote via a provisional ballot at your poll.
Can I still apply for a mail-in ballot?
Voters can still apply for a mail-in ballot until 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 16.
Visit the Ballot Request Application site provided by to request your ballot online.
To obtain a paper mail-in ballot application, visit a state wine and spirits store; a state representative’s office; or a county library. You can also contact the Voter Registration Office at 814-451-6275.
For more information, visit the Erie County website at and select "Elections and Voter Registration" under the Departments tab.
A.J. Rao can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on X @ETNRao.
This article originally appeared on Erie Times-News: How to complete your mail-in ballot for the April 23 primary election
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