North Kitsap putting two school levies on February 2022 ballot
North Kitsap School District is putting a four-year operations levy and a four-year capital levy on the ballot for February 2022 after school board members unanimously voted Thursday to approve the measures.
NKSD’s proposed operations levy would replace an existing $49.2 million operations levy that voters approved in 2018 and runs out in 2022. The new operations levy would seek to collect a total of $73,014,500 ($16,972,500 in 2023, $17,777,000 in 2024, $18,706,500 in 2025 and $19,558,500 in 2026).
The estimated cost for property owners would be $1.45 per $1,000 of assessed value in 2023, $1.38 per $1,000 in 2024, $1.32 per $1,000 in 2025 and $1.25 per $1,000 in 2026. The levy rates per $1,000 could not climb higher than $1.50 and could be lower than initial estimates.
Operation levies supplement the state's basic education allotment to operate and maintain schools. NKSD officials state that operation levy funding accounts for approximately 15% of the district's annual revenue and helps pay for classroom support, special education, transportation, food service, athletics and activities, day-to-day operations and utilities.
NKSD's proposed capital levy would seek to collect $35,319,000 over the next four years ($12,904,500 in 2023, $14,195,000 in 2024, $4,684,500 in 2025 and $3,903,500 in 2026) and the estimated cost for property owners would be $1.10 per $1,000 of assessed value in 2023-24, $0.33 in 2025 and $0.25 in 2026.
The new capital levy would replace a four-year, $40 million levy passed in 2018 that funded upgrades and repairs to aging HVAC systems, roofs, security and fire alarm systems, technology infrastructure, turf fields, parking lots and the community pool.
Prior to seeking board approval in putting a new capital levy before voters, NKSD formed a community facilities advisory committee to review district needs and provide recommendations. Priorities moving forward include technology infrastructure and replacement, creating separate gym and cafeteria spaces at Wolfle Elementary and Suquamish Elementary, adding permanent classroom space at Poulsbo Middle School, Gordon Elementary modernization, land purchasing, future engineering/design work, painting and parking lot repairs, portable replacement/refurbishment, demolition of unused portables, lighting and fire alarm upgrades and high school track and tennis court refurbishment.
This article originally appeared on Kitsap Sun: North Kitsap putting two school levies on February 2022 ballot
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