Nearly 500 witnesses, 675 days: The Mueller investigation by the numbers

The Justice Department appointed Robert Mueller special counsel on May 17, 2017, marking the beginning of a federal investigation that captivated the country over its nearly two-year run, which ended Friday.
Since that day, Mueller and his investigation became a non-stop point of intrigue. Who was he going after? What evidence did he have? What will his final report say?
Now that he's turned in his report to Attorney General William Barr, we have some idea as to the resources that went into one of the most high-profile investigations in United States history.
Here is the Mueller report, by the numbers:
- 675: The number of days from when Mueller was appointed to the day he turned in his report to Barr.
- 34: people indicted as a result of Mueller's investigation, including Russian nationals and several former Trump aides and advisors.
- 19: lawyers who were employed by the special counsel's office, according to a letter Barr sent to Congress on Sunday.
- About 40 FBI agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants and other staff that assisted with the investigation.
- More than 2,800 subpoenas issued by the Special Counsel's office, that's an average of at least four per day.
- Nearly 500 search warrants executed.
- More than 230 orders for communication records.
- Nearly 50 authorized orders for the use of pen registers, a tool that lets the government know who someone is communicating with and when, but not what they said.
- 13 evidence requests to foreign governments
- 500 witnesses interviewed
- $25 million in posted costs as of February
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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Nearly 500 witnesses, 675 days: The Mueller investigation by the numbers