Three Years After Nipsey Hussle's Death, Lauren London Opens Up About Her Reality
Angie Martinez's IRL Podcast recently featured Lauren London who dropped gems on her internal healing journey.
Lauren London oozed transparency and openness in her most transparent interview yet, giving numerous quotable takeaways that the people are admiring.
"Being at the front row of a funeral will change your entire perspective," said Lauren as she opened up about how she thought she had done lots of internal work with reading and learning, however experiencing loss took her to another realm of hurt and healing. She discussed "death etiquette" and how more than anything, just being present with someone dealing with a death is most important. "It's not your job to fix this; it can't be fixed." She talked about how some days she needs sensitivity and she appreciates genuine love, but at times she doesn't enjoy the awkward feeling of pity.
Lauren describes how while doing shadow work on herself; she began to remove her judgment of others as she realized going to deeper depths of hurt can put you in spaces you'd never imagine yourself. She also spoke about her being hard on others, which stemmed from her being harsh on herself but now empathy is her strong suit.
She spoke upon things she learned while in therapy, even things such as eating habits that were used to cope with depression and how different foods affected her mood either positively or negatively.
"He loved for people to be at a high level." —Lauren London on Nipsey Hussle.
"I thought Hussle was Superman; I thought he'd live forever. I thought I was going to go first," Lauren describes how deep of a thinker Nipsey was on a spiritual level and his love for everyone around him.
Nipsey always used to tell me, "Girl, you are deeper than the earth."
"All I want to do is Whatever God has for me to do in the most real way; I do not want to miss my mark," she continued.
Lauren describes how her dreams and intentions shifted from wanting accolades such as an Oscar, to now wanting to fulfill her purpose and help others feel peace. She described previously desiring awards because that's what she thought she was supposed to want, but now taking a liking to being behind the scenes and avoiding the spotlight.
"I want to have a warm place in everyone's heart," London explains.
As the conversation continued, it only got deeper and deeper, leading to Lauren speaking about her desire to live away for a year to focus solely on her relationship with God. "I have a lot of questions...I felt like did my prayer not work...I had to remove my ego and once I did, our (God) relationship began." Los Angeles was described as "heavy," and she often thinks of leaving the city for a more deserted area in the future.
"I don't know how I stood on my two feet; I don't even remember it," she admits.
The days after the funeral was when reality sat in: "When it was over and everyone went back to their lives, it faded to black, and that's when it got real." When speaking about things that keep her going, she believes her kids deserve to have joy and a happy mother and that's what keeps her going.
"I loved him with every inch of my soul."
When asked about love and romance now, she speaks about having no desire to ever be married. She doesn't feel the need for romantic love and chooses to focus on her love for God and her children. "We had a pure love. I can say I experience a pure love on earth."
Lauren is on a journey.
What was most evident was her speaking with pureness, honesty, and integrity, which are common features of every one of the Nipsey Hussle elk. Social media is loving this interview and with good reason, as she spoke gracefully with genuine intention and love.