I'm almost 80. I can tell when someone's lost a step. Biden should step aside. | Letters
As a near octogenarian, I can tell when someone's lost a step. The debate on June 27 clearly showed that President Joe Biden has lost more than one ("Biden debate performance leaves voters uninspired,” June 29).
Mr. President, it's time for you to do one final thing for your country; a patriotic decision you know former President Donald Trump would never make: Announce you will not run for the Oval Office again, release your delegates and let it be an open convention in Chicago.
George Wagner, Milwaukee
Why would anyone diss Milwaukee? I have so many wonderful memories of this place.
Trump rips Milwaukee: You don't have to like Trump to see 'horrible' view supported by facts
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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Joe Biden's debate disaster shows he shouldn't run for president again