Donald Trump inspires his own brand of fashion on the campaign trail

Donald Trump's insurgent bid for the presidency has not only cast aside conventional wisdom about what it takes to be a candidate for the White House, it has also inspired a different kind of campaign fashion.

In addition to Trump's ubiquitous "Make America Great Again" trucker hats, the business mogul's supporters have turned out to his massive rallies all over the country wearing shirts — many of them homemade — that are as unique as the candidate himself.

Unlike past elections, in which candidates' supporters wore clothing with a basic campaign logo or slogan, Trump fans have shown up in shirts that cast the celebrity businessman turned GOP nominee as everything from a cartoonish superhero out to save the country to an American patriot with wild hair who has bullishly overtaken the Republican Party.

At the same time, Trump supporters have also appeared in garb that expresses their distaste for Democrat Hillary Clinton, wearing shirts that depict her behind prison bars or poke at the email scandal that has dogged her campaign. At least one shirt, spotted on a Trump supporter in Florida, seemed to call for the former secretary of state's murder, reading: "I Wish Hillary Had Married O.J."

Text and photography by Holly Bailey/Yahoo News

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