County Executive talks one-on-one on Browns Stadium future: I-TEAM

CLEVELAND (WJW) — The Fox 8 I-Team went one on one with the Cuyahoga County Executive on why he has come out against the Browns plans to build a dome in Brook Park.

Cuyahoga County Executive Chris Ronayne says he believes it makes better financial sense for the team to make massive renovations to the existing stadium on the lakefront.

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The team is considering fixing the current stadium downtown or building a dome stadium in Brook Park.

Ronayne tells the I-Team that keeping the stadium where it is located is better and that a dome is too expensive for taxpayers.

“Upwards of $600 million,” Ronayne said. “300 million in dollars and 300 million in bonds.”

But, the Browns have said the team would not use tax money you depend on now. Instead they’re looking at “innovative funding mechanisms with local county and state leaders.” The Browns suggested using future profits from the stadium and development.

“We’d have to see that model,” Ronayne said. “We haven’t seen it.”

City officials recently revealed an offer to help renovate the stadium. The city offered $461 million over 30 years. The city wanted an answer this week. However, that deadline has disappeared. We tried to find out more from mayor but he wouldn’t answer specific questions. He did say he wants to team to stay in Cleveland.

“They responded to our letter,” Mayor Justin Bibb said. “They asked for some additional follow up questions. Keeping the Browns downtown. Working the deal”

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Last month , the mayor of Brook Park told the I-Team a dome could be good for everyone. County leaders, however, say a dome would be an unacceptable risk to the county.

“We’ve built infrastructure in downtown around the stadium,” Ronayne said.  “There are hotels, our restaurants our bars our convention center”

The Browns tell us they have no timetable as to when a decision will be made and are continuing to look at both options.

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