Caltrans cancels Joshua Street Bridge demolition, rebuilding project; I-15 to remain open
After the announcement of a full bridge and lane closures on Interstate 15 in Hesperia for the demolition and rebuild of the Joshua Street bridge, Caltrans abruptly canceled the project.
Caltrans officials on Monday offered no reason when it announced the cancellation of the project scheduled to begin Friday, Oct. 18.
“Sorry for the inconvenience,” the agency stated. “Please stay tuned for future updates.”
Planned bridge work would have fully closed the bridge and I-15 to traffic on certain days through late November.
Canceled project eliminates need for I-15 closures
The canceled project would have included crews performing demolition work on Saturday, Oct. 19 from 11 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. on Sunday, which would have required the full closure of I-15, in both directions near the Joshua Street Bridge.
Additionally, full closures of I-15 had been slated from 11 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. on:
Saturday, Oct.26
Saturday, Nov. 2
Saturday, Nov. 16
The Joshua Street Bridge project is part of a $6.6 million Bridge Maintenance Project funded through Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, that refurbishes and upgrades three existing bridges on the I-15 and I-40.
Construction on all three bridges for this project is expected to be completed by late Spring 2025.
Residents can sign up for project updates at, or follow Caltrans District 8 on Facebook at or on X at
Daily Press reporter Rene Ray De La Cruz may be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on X @DP_ReneDeLaCruz
This article originally appeared on Victorville Daily Press: Caltrans cancels Hesperia bridge project; I-15 to remain open
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