Attending college in Wisconsin and unsure how to vote? Here's our Election 2024 student voter guide
College students can play a pivotal role in a swing state like Wisconsin, where elections are often won by razor-thin margins.
For most student voters, Nov. 5 will mark their first time casting a ballot in a presidential election.
Voting rules can be confusing to navigate — and even more so for college students, most of whom live at a new address each school year. Here's a guide on what to know, where to register and how to vote:
Can college students vote where they attend school versus in their hometown?
Wisconsin allows college students from other states to choose whether to vote in Wisconsin or their home state.
Here are some factors the U.S. Election Assistance Commission offers for consideration when deciding where to vote:
Which location is more convenient for you?
Who is on the ballot in each place?
Are there local policies or particular issues that are important to you in either place?
Where you register to vote will not affect your federal financial aid, including FAFSA, Pell Grants, Perkins or Stafford loans.
Who is eligible to vote in Wisconsin?
To vote in Wisconsin, you must:
Be a U.S. citizen
Be at least 18 years old on or before Election Day
Have lived at your current Wisconsin address for at least 28 consecutive days before Election Day
Not be currently serving a felony sentence, including probation or parole
To vote in Wisconsin, you need to register. Here's how:
You'll need to register or re-register in Wisconsin if you've never voted before, you moved since the last time you voted or if you've changed your legal name since the last time you voted.
There are several options for voter registration:
By mail. Follow the instructions on Your voter registration form, along with proof of residence, must be postmarked to your municipal clerk no later than Oct. 16.
Online at, if you have a current valid Wisconsin driver's license or ID card, or your current name and ZIP code are in the DMV database. Update your information in the DMV database at The deadline to register online is Oct. 16.
Voter registration events hosted by some colleges and municipalities ahead of the election. Check your municipal clerk and college websites for information.
At your municipal clerk's office during business hours. The deadline is Nov. 1. Find your municipal clerk's contact info at
At your assigned polling place on Election Day. You can find your polling place at
What documents do I need to prove Wisconsin residency for voter registration?
If you have a Wisconsin's driver's license that shows your current address, you're all set.
That's often not the case for college students, though. To prove residency, you will need one of the following forms of ID that shows your current name and address:
An electronically displayed or printed Voter Enrollment Verification Letter from your university's Office of the Registrar
A current residential lease (Note: This cannot be used as proof of address if registering by mail.)
A university or college ID card with a photograph of the cardholder, accompanied by a fee statement for the current semester
A printed copy of your current bursar’s statement
A utility bill for the period commencing not earlier than 90 days before the election. A printed copy of an online bill is acceptable. So is showing the documents electronically on your phone.
A paycheck
A bank, credit union or credit card statements. A printed copy of an online statement is acceptable
A check or other document issued by a unit of government
An official identification card or license issued by a Wisconsin governmental body or unit
An identification card issued by an employer in the normal course of business, which has a photograph of the cardholder, but not a business card
If you have a driver's license or ID card from another state, you will also need to provide the last four digits of your Social Security number.
What to bring with you when you vote:
OK, so you're registered to vote! Now you need a voter ID to bring to the polls. The address on the ID card doesn't matter. Its purpose is to prove your identity.
Some acceptable forms of voter ID:
Wisconsin driver's license or state ID
U.S. passport
U.S. Uniformed Services card
Veterans Affairs ID
Tribal ID
Certificate of naturalization
Campus-issued voter ID
Can I use my college ID card to vote in Wisconsin?
Yes, but there are caveats. It must include:
Date the card was issued
Student signature
Expiration date no later than two years after date of issuance
Some universities, such as the University of Wisconsin-Madison, have campus ID cards that do not meet these requirements but issue separate campus voter IDs that qualify.
What if my college ID card has expired?
You can still present your expired college ID at the polls if you also provide a separate document that proves current enrollment, such as a tuition fee receipt, enrollment verification letter or class schedule.
Can I vote absentee?
Yes. This might be a good option for Wisconsin students who want to vote using their home address but who are living on campus in a different municipality.
Request an absentee ballot to be mailed to you at
Once the absentee ballot arrives, complete it and return as soon as possible. The U.S. Postal Service recommends mailing it at least one week in advance of Election Day.
Can I vote early in Wisconsin?
Yes, in some places. Early voting, also called in-person absentee voting, begins Oct. 22 and run through Nov. 3.
Times and locations for early voting vary by municipality. Check MyVote or contact your municipal clerk for early voting hours. Some universities publish this information on their own websites.
It's Election Day, and I'm not registered to vote. Can I still vote?
Yes! You can register to vote on Election Day. Make sure to bring documentation to the polls. You can only vote at your designated polling place. Find your Polling Place at
Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. Everyone in line at 8 p.m. gets to vote.
Can I vote in my hometown, not where I'm going to school?
Even if you’re away at school for most of the year, you may have the option to vote in your hometown.
Other states' rules around voter registration and absentee voting vary, so it's best to consult your local election commission or secretary of state for more information.
Some general guidelines:
Register to vote using your permanent address in your hometown. Use your college address as your mailing address on your registration.
Many states allow you to ask for a mail ballot if you’re unable to vote in person. Some states mail every voter a ballot automatically. Each state has its own guidelines, so check to see what the rules are in your state or territory. You can have the mail ballot sent to your college address.
If you will be in your hometown during the election, you may also have the option to vote in person.
I'm studying abroad. Can I vote?
Yes, but study abroad students should budget extra time needed to request, receive and mail your ballot.
Wisconsin considers study abroad students to be “temporary overseas citizens," which has a similar process to absentee voting by mail. Email your ballot request to your municipal clerk. Include your name, registration address, email address for the ballot to be sent and a copy of an acceptable photo ID.
Find information on voter registration, deadlines and more
The U.S. Election Assistance Commission is a helpful resource. Go to and scroll down to find a drop-down menu that allows you to look up registration and voting information for each state.
For Wisconsin voting information and resources, visit
For more resources and guidelines on voting as a college student, visit
Contact Kelly Meyerhofer at [email protected] or 414-223-5168. Follow her on X (Twitter) at @KellyMeyerhofer.
This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Students going to college in Wisconsin can vote here: What to know
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