Top 4 Wildest Stunts in 'The Fate of the Furious,' According to Director F. Gary Gray

At this point we are well within reason to expect absurdly over-the-top — and possibly logic-defying — stunt pieces in our Fast and Furious movies. We’ve seen cars parachute from planes, cars jump skyscrapers, and cars do… tons of others things cars have no business doing.
The eighth installment in the series, The Fate of the Furious, will not disappoint in that regard. In fact, director F. Gary Gray (The Italian Job, Straight Outta Compton) promised four — count ’em, four! — scenes that will stretch the boundaries of physics when he came into Yahoo Studios for a recent Facebook Live interview (watch above).
The globetrotting action starts in Cuba, where Gray said Dom Toretto (Vin Diesel) and company forgo the usual quarter-mile track for “The Cuban Mile.” As the filmmaker put it, “1950s cars, going 150 miles per hour, through Havana. Dangerous. Crazy.”
In Germany, Gray and screenwriter Chris Morgan pit a wrecking ball against a fleet or military vehicles. “That was insane,” the director said.
Moving on to New York, the filmmakers orchestrated what they call “the zombie car sequence,” where Charlize Theron’s villain Cipher weaponizes thousands of driver-less cars. “There are cars raining from buildings,” Gray said. “It’s phenomenal. It’s one of the best action sequences I’ve ever been a part of and I’ve ever seen on the big screen.”
And then finally, there is, of course, an atomic orange Lamborghini being chased by a submarine over the frozen landscape of Iceland. Said Gray, “You can’t ask for any more than that.”
The Fate of the Furious opens April 14. Watch our full Facebook Live interview with F. Gary Gray:
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