Hot Wheels Turns 'Rogue One' Death Trooper Into a Sweet Ride
When it comes to Star Wars and vehicles, Mattel has developed a two-pronged approached (always two, there are…). The Hot Wheels purveyor not only offers faithful miniature reproductions of the big-screen starships, but it also takes key heroes and villains and morphs them into “character cars.” That means Rogue One fans will not only get toy versions of the new Star Wars installment’s signature ships, the U-Wing starship and the TIE Striker, but also character cars, beginning with the black-armor-clad Death Trooper.
Related: We’re One Step Closer to a Real X-Wing Thanks to Hot Wheels
The version here is paired with a Stormtrooper and is part of Mattel’s two-pack assortment of 1:64-scale character cars ($7.99). Like any Hot Wheels, you can race ‘em on a track or in a galaxy far, far away.

Related: First Look at Disney’s ‘Rogue One’ Toys and Role-Playing Gear (Exclusive)
The U-Wing fighter ($4.99) is the first of Mattel’s Hot Wheels Starship collection to be revealed for Rogue One.

Mattel will also be offering a two-pack “versus” set of its Starship collection, including this one, pitting the new TIE Striker vs. Luke Skywalker’s iconic Red Five X-Wing ($9.99).

Like the other toys introduced over the past 24 hours, the various Hot Wheels vehicles will be on sale Sept. 30. Rogue One, meanwhile, lands in theaters on Dec. 16.