Alexis Neiers, Real-Life Bling Ring Member, Slams ‘The Bling Ring’

OMG! Apparently Sofia Coppola's new film doesn't exactly have the blessing of at least one of the people who were directly involved in the real-life incidents it portrays.
Alexis Neiers, a member of the group of teenage thieves who burgled several celebrity California homes from October 2008 through November 2009 and subsequently earned the nickname 'The Bling Ring,' first expressed her somewhat hesitant optimism about the film on her blog earlier this month.
"I can only hope that this movie does not just tell the story of Los Angeles teens robbing the homes of celebrities because that, I don't believe, would have much impact on people as what I believe the real cultural obsession with what the Bling Ring is," wrote Neiers in a post dated April 5. "The story of teens robing [sic] the homes of celebrities is artificial and has no real depth and substance and I can only hope that Ms. Coppola decides to shed light to this truth."
However, Neiers goes on to express her skepticism upon the release of the first teaser trailer, which is now notorious for featuring former "Potter" girl Emma Watson (whose character Nicki is based on Neiers) seductively sticking out her tongue while grinding on the dance floor of a club.
"Just last month a teaser for the film was released and based on what I saw it looks like it is just another party movie based on teens robbing celebrity homes," wrote Neiers. "I understand that the point of this teaser was to entice all of you to go to the theater and see this film. I am still hoping that this movie will accurately show what I have described above and I have faith in Sofia's ability and in this film."
Now, Neiers has apparently lost that faith with the release of the second trailer earlier this week, which gives a much more detailed look into the film's plot and characters ... and takes a rather scathing, satirical approach to the seemingly rather vain and airheaded criminals.
Neiers calls the film "trashy and inaccurate" in a series of tweets, which was instigated by Los Angeles Times writer Amy Kaufman asking her what she thought of the trailer on April 23. Neiers claims the film is based on the accounts of LAPD Detective Brett Goodkin and Vanity Fair writer Nancy Joe Sales, "2 people who are everything they accused us of being. Celebrity status obsessed, fame & money hungry ..."
"The detective who has been caught in multiple lies and who played himself in this film and a woman who is an irresponsible, inaccurate and a dishonest journalist who is currently writing a book based on inaccurate facts," Neiers continued. "The truth will come out soon enough and I have no intention of seeing this film."
We do, though, and now all the moreso -- though we wonder what kind of eye-opening "truth" is being withheld from the tale of a bunch of bored kids passing the time with a little larceny. "The Bling Ring" opens June 14.
Watch the theatrical trailer for 'The Bling Ring':