Make Your Valentine a Heart-Shaped Chocolate Box
Go all DIY for your sweetie this V-Day!
4-ply matte board
Poster board
Glue gun
Decorative edgers
Decorative paper
Rubber cement
Fine-tipped glue applicator (optional)
Glitter (optional)
See More: 5 Health Benefits of Crafting
1. Print out the heart template and enlarge to the desired size; you’ll want two hearts, one slightly smaller than the other. Trace the two heart shapes onto 4-ply matte board; the larger heart is for the inner top of the box, the smaller is for the bottom.
2. Cut two 1-inch strips of poster board, enough to fit around the circumference of the two hearts. Apply glue from the glue gun a couple of inches at a time to the edges of the hearts, shaping it as you work your way around the heart to create the side of the box.
3. Decorate the top and bottom in the desired fashion. Cut out 2 large hearts from the poster board using decorative edgers. Affix one of the hearts to the top of the box using rubber cement, and one to the bottom.
4. Make a heart-shaped cutout from decorative paper and place inside. Fill with candy and top with a heart-shaped liner. You can write a message on top with a fine-tipped glue applicator and a few sprinkles of glitter.
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