If You've Got a Dirty Cast Iron Skillet, Here's Exactly How to (And More Importantly, How Not To!) Clean It
Ask any cast iron pan fan, and they’ll tell you that one of the biggest benefits of using one is that it doesn’t burn or stain. And while overnight soaking and dishwashing are big no-nos (more on that later!), cast iron pans are surprisingly simple to clean.
Cast Iron Basics
Understanding the right way to clean your cast iron skillet comes down to understanding what makes cast iron different from, say, stainless steel or non-stick: “They get better over time, the more you use them,” says Katie Muscarella of Field Company, a cast iron pan manufacturer. That’s because high heat, she explains, breaks down fat molecules to bond with carbon and iron, forming a black non-stick layer that’s similar to Teflon but non-toxic.
The process is known as “seasoning” and it occurs every time you cook. When you clean cast iron, the goal is to remove food debris without breaking down the seasoning.
Related: Cooking With Cast Iron: 24 Ways To Use The Best Pan In Your Kitchen
How to Clean a Cast Iron Skillet
What You’ll Need
A dirty cast iron skillet
Seasoning oil (a specialized one made for cast iron, or any cooking oil)
How To Do It
Rinse out the pan and remove loose food with a brush.
Use a chain mail scrubber to dislodge any remaining gunk and gently scuff the cooking surface and side walls. (This prevents uneven build-up and future flaking. It also creates a textured surface that gives your next layer of seasoning something to grip onto.)
Heat the pan on the stovetop for a few minutes to evaporate moisture. If necessary, wipe up the remaining moisture with a paper towel.
Using a paper towel or cloth rag, apply a dab (about ¼ tsp) of seasoning oil and rub it over all surfaces of the pan, inside and out. (This protects your pan from rust and acidic foods.) Wipe away excess oil to leave a dry, matte finish.
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Cast Iron Skillet Cleaning FAQS
Can You Dishwash Cast Iron Pans?
Hard no: Dishwashers expose cast iron to long wash cycles, long drying periods and dish detergent which can not only rust cast iron pans, but also erode their seasoning, Muscarella says.
How About Soaking Overnight?
This is another big no-no: Because cast iron can be prone to rusting, you definitely don’t want to leave any water in your cast iron pan for extended periods of time—especially when they don’t have a strong build-up of seasoning.
Can I Use Soap on a Cast Iron Skillet?
Dish soap, Muscarella says, is fine to use on cast iron. Anyone who tells you differently got their advice from a time when soap contained lye, which erodes seasoning, she explains. Luckily, lye is no longer found in soap, so dish soap is perfectly safe to use on cast iron. That said, the firm bristles of a scrub brush will pick up any food left in the pan, so there’s no real need to use soap.
Should I Clean When the Cast Iron Is Hot?
Cleaning a piping hot cast iron pan isn’t a great idea—particularly when cold water is involved: “The sudden temperature change can cause parts of the metal to expand or contact leading to an uneven cooking surface,” Muscarella says. “It’s best to let the pan cool down a bit before giving it a scrub with warm water.”
Can I Use Steel Wool on Cast Iron?
While steel wool can help remove food from your skillet, it’s not recommended since it could smooth the pan surface, making it more difficult for seasoning to adhere and even removing the seasoning you’ve got, Muscarella warns.
What’s the Deal With Kosher Salt for Cleaning Cast Iron?
In the absence of a chain mail scrubber, using a kitchen towel or rag to rub a few tablespoons of kosher salt around the bottom of your pan before rinsing can help remove unwanted food and residue, Muscarella says. She prefers chain mail scrubbing, though, since it works better and is all around less wasteful.
Can Boiling Water In a Cast Iron Pan Help Remove Debris?
“It’s generally something we don’t recommend,” says Muscarella, citing the risk of rust. “Using hot water from your sink along with a brush and chain mail scrubber should usually be sufficient.” If you really can’t dislodge debris with a brush, try using the flat edge of a metal spatula to gently scrape off the food, or apply gentle pressure using a non-scratch Scotch-Brite pad to scrub away food particles, she suggests.
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Can I Use Any Oil to Reseason My Cast Iron Skillet?
The answer is yes—but polyunsaturated fats like grapeseed oil and monounsaturated fats like olive oil are ideal since they create the strongest seasoning bonds, Muscarella says. She recommends Field Company Cast Iron Seasoning Oil, a blend of organic grapeseed oil, sunflower oil and beeswax. “Both oils are high in polyunsaturated fats and have high smoke points making them ideal for seasoning. The beeswax is added so the oil has a thicker consistency allowing for easier application and less waste,” she says.
Is There Any Way to Clean Rust from My Cast Iron Pan?
Yes! “Rust is very fixable and preventable,” Muscarella says. Simply scrub it off under cold water using a Scotch-Brite pad or the rough side of a dish sponge. Then towel dry and heat on a stovetop for three to five minutes and reseason until the rust is no longer visible.
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