New York just passed a law requiring domestic abusers to turn over all of their guns to the state
In a move toward stricter gun control laws, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo released a statement on Saturday, March 31st to announce a new state law. This New York gun law states that people convicted of domestic abuse in New York will now have to turn over all of their firearms.
After the Sandy Hook school shooting in 2012, New York State passed a law prohibiting domestic abusers from owning pistols and revolvers. (The law also applied to some misdemeanors). This new legislation amends that law, making sure that domestic abusers give up all of the guns they may own. The changes also included adding a list of serious misdemeanors.
New York already has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country, and this is just one more. “New York is once again leading the way to prevent gun violence, and with this common sense reform, break the inextricable link between gun violence and domestic violence,” Governor Cuomo said in a statement. “This legislation builds on our gun laws — already the strongest in the nation — to make New York safer and stronger.”
“Half of the women who are murdered in this country are murdered by an intimate partner,” Governor Cuomo told CNN, citing a statistic taken from a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There is plenty of evidence that points to the fact that many mass shooters have a history of violence against women. Cuomo also said that firearms were used in 35 domestic killings in the state in 2016.
This fall, I pushed for new legislation that would mandate domestic abusers surrender their firearms. Thousands of you signed our petition.
Today, that truly life-saving legislation has become a reality, and our state is safer for it.— Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo) March 31, 2018
The new New York gun law also prevents someone from getting or renewing a license for a gun if the person trying to purchase one has an arrest warrant for certain alleged crimes.
Users sounded off on their opinions about the new law on Twitter. Some were happy about the decision.
Good, now it needs to go nationwide.
— Wellzy (@Wellzy4) April 1, 2018
Good. This is one of the laws that need to be in effect all over the country.
— Andrew Primmer (@Aprimmer243) April 1, 2018
That is fabulous news !!!!!! STANDING O to New York !!!!
— MaryDerrickArt (@maryderrickart) April 1, 2018
A move in the right direction... someone convicted of abuse cannot qualify to purchase and they should not have access to firearms
— Jeffrey Barnard (@jbjeepin2013) April 1, 2018
Others were not.
Another pointless law passed. Federal law already strips this right from those convicted of even a misdemeanor DV. Wasted time and tax money.
— Melissa (@gecko77md) April 1, 2018
And some felt that the New York gun law still isn’t enough.
Waiting until conviction is too late. The guns should be taken away the moment a restraining order is imposed.
— mblcta1 (@mblcta1) April 1, 2018
Another form of #GunControl that will not work. My neighbor was abused by live in boyfriend who went to prison & when he got out he GOT A GUN came to her house & KILLED HER. It's NOT GUNS its the evil in the heart of ppl doing this & taking guns off the street WILL NOT STOP IT.
— DforTrump (@thewoman62) April 1, 2018
Let’s see if any other states follow New York’s lead.