Woman's Determination to Rescue Lost Baby Pig Is So Admirable
The little pig could've been hit by a car if it weren't for her.
It was a typical day for TikTok user @iwasreadyastray. She was on her way to work, you know, the usual. But as many of us well know, no two days are ever the same and her commute to work took a bit of a detour.
She noticed something quickly running on the side of the road. She decided to go after it. And after further investigation, it was a lost baby pig! Watch her journey with rescuing this cutie.
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O.M.G. That's true dedication to getting this little piggy home safely! Imagine trying to tell your work you were late because you were chasing a pig. LOL!
We were so nervous as he was running right next to the side of the road. "He's going to the market!" said @shortstackmama76. Lol, yes! And he's going very quickly to the market!
"Please tell me you took him," wrote @yazinuh. We wish! Who wouldn't want this cute piggy as a pet?! But this TikToker did the right thing. The chase continued. Take a look!
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Oh, she was definitely late to work. LOL! She wrote in the comments, "I called the police station later in the day and found out that it was someone’s pet pig that has escaped from a neighborhood nearby." Aww, we're so glad they found this pig's owner!
That's probably the last time this little piggy ran all the way home!
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