This Woman Gave Birth to Two Babies Only 11 Weeks Apart
One woman in Kazakhstan gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl.
The births were almost three whole months apart, which is extremely rare.
Liliya Konovalova has uterus didelphys, or a double uterus, which is a rare uterine abnormality.
One mom is eager to return home after giving birth to two babies. Liliya Konovalova, 29, has been waiting three months since she gave birth to her first baby in May to head home. Why the long wait? Her second baby was born 11 weeks after the first, RT reported.
Liliya gave birth to a baby girl, Liya, back on May 24. However, her baby boy Maxim wasn't ready to make his debut until earlier this month on August 9. "My son was in no rush to come out into the world," she told RT. She described him as a "true Bogatyr”, which is a heroic character from Russian folk tales.
Liya was born premature at only 25 weeks. She weighed just shy of 2 lbs. When Maxim arrived 11 weeks later, he weighed 6 pounds 6 oz. That's more than three times the size of his big sister.
The Kazakh Health Ministry shared the news of the births on Facebook, and it appears mother and her two babies are doing well.
So, um, how did Liliya give birth to two babies so close together?
Liliya has uterus didelphys, or a double uterus. It is an extremely rare condition effecting 0.5 to 5 % of women worldwide, according to research from NCBI. Women who have the condition have a higher risk of premature or still births and miscarriage. The condition means the two babies each developed in a separate uterus.
"Thanks to our doctors, we prevailed… what they did is a miracle," she told the publication. "My kids now weigh around 3 kilograms and we're getting ready to be discharged from the hospital."
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