Why You’re Still Single, According to Astrologers
Being single isn't a bad thing. Self-partnership is a noble path. However, for those dating and wondering why "nothing is sticking," astrology may hold some clues.
According to your zodiac sign, read on to discover why you might still be single. Read for your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs to dive deeper.
Why You're Still Single, Based on Zodiac Sign
While you can check for your sun sign, don't hesitate to read for your Sun, Moon, and Rising.
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Good things take time.
Aries loves to be hit by Cupid's arrows. Love, attraction, and chemistry suit their passionate spirit. However, this fire sign is known to rush in like a happy fool where angels fear to tread. Their impulsive nature can lead to exciting, thrilling adventures. However, they must be mindful when selecting a partner, ensuring their crush's realistic, reliable actions are there. The butterflies they give Aries can only sustain so long. This zodiac must pace itself to find love, knowing real potential reveals itself in time.
Happiness is found outside of your usual routines.
Taurus is known as a sensual, loving spirit. However, they are equally stubborn. This zodiac can get in its own way when finding love. Fixed ideas, preferences, or timelines may prevent them from being present or going with the flow. Getting them out of their comfort zone can be challenging. However, to find worthy romance, we often need to compromise, open our hearts to the unknown, and be willing to change our minds.
Living in your mind isn't the same as diving deep with your heart.
As a dualistic person, Gemini holds many facets. Therefore, they may find themselves struggling with indecision when dating. With so many interesting people to learn from, how can you possibly know you've found the one and only one? Furthering this idea, even if Gemini is secure and finds a match, they must overcome their tendency to intellectualize emotions to some extent. Love doesn't make logistical, rational sense often. It's worth the journey, nonetheless.
Get out of your shell!
Cancer often identifies closely with their loved ones, family, or community. However, their feelings of fondness don't develop overnight! Known for retreating into its crab shell of safety, Cancer takes time to warm up. Getting to know their soulful, loving nature is worth the wait. However, due to their strong guard, they may put off potential love interests who can't seem to read if Cancer is interested. Even if their feelings seem obvious, they must remember that not everyone can read their mind!
The honeymoon spark can be kept without drama.
Known as the star of any show, Leo loves their love to come with a dramatic flair. Lukewarm lovers will not do. However, this can sometimes lead them to follow with their heart at their own expense. Attracting love interests that bring out intense dynamics may be possible. Or, their desire and longing overtake their rational mind about selecting someone who can stand the test of time. To find fulfilling love, Leo should know that their desire for fun, playfulness, and chemistry are valid, yet the flames of passion should not show signs of burning them, just keeping them warm.
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People don't neatly fit into boxes.
Virgo likes routines, habits, and hobbies, making these their personality in many ways. When finding a lover, it may feel like Virgo approaches dating more as a checklist instead of leading with intuition. Do they work as hard as me? Do they enjoy the same things? Do they meet my criteria? While this approach can offer mindfulness, it can also lead Virgo to put their heart in the wrong hands. The right one for you may be different than you anticipated. You can only meet the right one with an open mind.
You have needs outside of meeting others desire's.
Libra leads with their charming smile and eagerness to love. This effortless charisma naturally attracts various people, allured by their light. While Libra can be accepting of others, it can sometimes come at their fault. Being able to look past flaws and still extend diplomacy is a skill. However, maintaining boundaries, self-preservation, and choosing one who fulfills your emotional needs is essential in relationships. Libras must learn to stop giving chances and forgive freely, especially when they must prioritize self-worth first.
Let the love you crave in.
Scorpio isn't short on soul. This Water sign craves utmost loyalty, devotion, and vulnerability. However, when dating, they may come off as mysterious to the point of confusing others. Their poker face is strong, and they do not give away their interest quickly. Others may feel intimidated by the strong presence of this intense star sign, unsure of how to approach them best. Scorpio must learn to take their walls down, show sensitivity, and be intentional about letting others get to know their secret time as they fairly earn respect and trust.
Love isn't a lockdown; it's a portal.
Sagittarius views love as an adventure, along with life at large. This zodiac is known for avoiding anything that could potentially take away their feelings of freedom. While their free-love, passionate approach is admirable, they sometimes need to get honest about their emotional needs behind the jester mask. Others may not know how much they mean to them, where they stand, and other sentimental feelings unless they dare to take the biggest risk: open their heart to adventure only through consistent relationships and care.
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The only mark that needs to be met is your happiness in love.
As an independent person, you're not afraid to pioneer your path. While you love a good time, it may be challenging for a love interest to impress you. You require someone who meets your standards and expectations to make someone your lover. On one hand, this strategy can be fulfilling for finding long-term love. However, if taken too far, you may find yourself isolated, expecting perfection from humans, who all have emotional flaws or baggage.
Love given to others is a worthy risk.
Aquarius is known for its unconventional spirit, longing for community and humanitarian liberation. In love, they value flexibility, allowing both parties to hold individual paths despite their partnership. Their matter-of-fact approach may confuse others looking for romantic attention or interest, unsure how much they care for them. Their ability to appear detached can put others off, fearful of being hurt by the sturdiness of Aquarius. This zodiac must learn to be vulnerable, take down defenses, and risk losing some of its independence in pursuing a partnership.
Self-love is critical for any other relationship to last.
Pisces is a hopeless (or hopeful) romantic who loves the emotional merging in partnership. Loving love is a strength of theirs. However, this uplifting approach doesn't help prevent them from getting lost in their daydreams. With their rose-colored glasses, they tend to see what they want to see in loved ones. To find fulfilling love, they must learn to be discerning amidst their hopefulness, creating emotional safety and a foundation to build a mature, realistic, lasting love.
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