Why Do I Always Feel Bloated? Here Are the Surprising Causes of Stomach Bloating—And 25 Ways to Get Rid of It
“Ugh, I feel like I’m going to explode.” Sound familiar? We’ve all been there—those feelings of being too full, tight or swollen in the stomach, sometimes accompanied by flatulence, burping and rumbling sensations. Sometimes the cause of your stomach bloating is obvious (hello, loaded cheese fries), but sometimes it’s not.
Although occasional stomach bloating is very common and usually resolves with simple changes to diet and lifestyle, it’s possible that it could be a sign of a more serious health issue. So when that feeling of uncomfortable fullness strikes, here are some ways to identify what’s causing it so that you can keep it at bay.
What Causes Stomach Bloating?
Stomach bloating happens when the gastrointestinal (GI) tract fills with air or gas. Occasional bloating is often caused by types of food and drink, the hormonal changes of menstruation and swallowing air, but it can also be a sign or symptom of certain digestive disorders and other underlying medical conditions, according to Dr. Christine Lee, a gastroenterologist at Cleveland Clinic.
Foods that cause bloating
That snug waistband may come as no surprise after your second and third helping at Thanksgiving dinner or after a late-night splurge of fried food and alcohol. But it can be very frustrating to feel frequent bloating when you’re working hard to maintain a healthy, nutrient-dense diet. If that’s the case, too much fiber could be the culprit.
We all know the joke about beans, but it’s true—food groups such as legumes as well as whole grains and cruciferous vegetables are famously high in fiber, an ingestible carbohydrate that causes fermentation and gas formation in the body when eaten in large amounts.
These are the most common high-fiber foods:
Legumes, nuts and seeds: beans, lentils, peas, chia seeds, almonds and peanuts
Grains: oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice and whole-wheat breads
Vegetables: cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, arugula, bok choy, cabbage, collard greens, carrots, beets and artichokes
Fruits: avocados, apples (with skin) and berries
Keto bloating
Curious about going keto? As one of the most popular diet plans, a ketogenic diet is all about high-fat, low-carb (think 70%-80% fat, 20% protein, and 5% carbs). Its goal is to switch your body from burning glucose (sugar, provided by carbs) to fat for energy. While many people reap the benefits of this regimen, including weight loss, muscle mass increase and blood sugar stabilization, there are many potential side effects, the most common of which is called keto flu.
For many, the withdrawal from carbs and increase in fat intake causes bloating, headaches, fatigue and nausea, among other unpleasant sensations. “Any diet that focuses on high protein or high fat is more likely to cause bloating,” says Dr. Lee.
The key reason is that protein and fat travel through the digestive tract more slowly, which is why you tend to feel fuller for a longer period than eating a carb-heavy meal or sugary snack.
Alcohol bloating
Whether it’s a long night at the bar or a single glass of wine with dinner, bloating from alcohol is very common. Alcohol by itself is known to cause inflammation, or swelling, in the body, but when combined with sugary mixers and carbonation, gas and bloating can feel even worse. You might also feel puffy, both in your face and in your stomach because alcohol dehydrates the body, causing your skin and other organs to retain water.
Swallowing air
A build-up of gas in your intestines causes discomfort and bloating. About half of the gas in your digestive system is created by bacteria through the process of digesting food, and the rest is swallowed air, often caused by these common habits:
Eating too quickly Talking while eating Drinking carbonated beverages Drinking from a straw Chewing gum or sucking on hard candy Smoking
Aerobic activity
Period bloating
More than 90% of women say they experience one or more premenstrual symptoms, such as mood swings, headaches and bloating. Doctors don’t know exactly what causes the wide range of emotional and physical effects of premenstrual syndrome or why some women experience them more severely than others, but the normal changes in your hormones throughout your menstrual cycle are thought to play a key role.
With bloating, says Dr. Lee, “the hormonal fluctuations during your menstrual cycle can cause constipation or insufficient or adequate defecation,” says Dr. Lee. “Stool that stays in the colon for a longer period of time produces higher levels of methane, hydrogen, and sulfur gas production.”
Bloating after sex
That feeling of butterflies in your stomach? It’s real. Physical intimacy involves your entire body, and while it may be embarrassing to talk about with your partner, it’s normal for both men and women to experience some stomach discomfort and bloating after sex.
Is there more to why you feel bloated after sex? As researchers learn more about the brain-gut connection, they have found that intense emotions, including stress and anxiety, can cause many GI issues, including indigestion and constipation leading to bloating. In addition, for women, the stimulation of the lower pelvic core during sex may accelerate your gut’s motility, says Lee, referring to the movement of food through your body and the gas created during digestion.
It’s also normal during penetrative sex for air to become trapped in the vagina or anus, causing gas-related pain or pressure. As with other types of cardio activities, sex can increase your breathing rate, which may cause you to ingest more air.
Related: The 20 Best Foods to Reduce Inflammation and Ease Arthritis Pain
Medications that can cause bloating
There are many types of medications that can lead to or worsen constipation, a key cause of bloating, says Dr. Lee. Here are some, but not all, of the most common bloat-inducing drugs:
Opioids, sometimes also called narcotics—strong prescription pain relievers, such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, and tramadol. Up to 60% of people taking an opioid experience constipation.
Anticholinergics—a large class of both prescription and over-the-counter medications used to treat a variety of disorders, from overactive bladder to COPD.
Diuretics—a type of medication that makes you urinate more often.
Other conditions that cause bloating
Bloating can also be a sign or symptom of other medical conditions, says Dr. Lee, such as these:
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (return of the stomach’s contents into the esophagus, causing heartburn)
Gastroparesis (slow emptying of the stomach)
Small bowel intestinal bacterial overgrowth
Intestinal adhesions (often caused by previous surgeries)
25 Ways To Get Rid of Bloating
Watch what you eat
1. Keep a food journal. Since there are many kinds of food that can cause bloating, tracking the foods you eat every day and any symptoms you have afterward can help you identify and cut down on (or get rid of) the specific foods that don’t agree with you. Journaling could also identify specific allergies, such as lactose or gluten intolerance.
2. Eat the right amount of fiber. Cutting out high-fiber foods completely is usually not recommended. Fiber is still an essential nutrient that contributes to health in many ways and helps prevent the constipation that could be causing your belly to bulge. Experts suggest between 22 and 28 grams of fiber per day for women and between. 28 and 34 grams per day for men, depending on age.
3. Increase fiber in your diet the right way. If you’re adding more fiber into your diet, be sure to add it in gradually and with plenty of water to avoid causing constipation. And experts recommend getting your daily dose from food sources instead of supplements to reap its full nutritional benefits.
4. Pour a glass of prune juice instead. Studies show that prune juice can help regulate digestion (just don’t drink too much!).
5. Make smart salt swaps. Salty foods cause water retention. Whenever possible, reduce your salt intake by choosing low-salt sauces and stocks and boosting flavor in dishes with fresh herbs and spices.
6. Behold the power of potassium. An essential mineral, potassium helps your muscles contract, regulate fluid and counteract the effects of sodium (salt) in the body. Strive for about 4700 mg per day with additions like these to your menu: potatoes, spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes and bananas.
7. Beware of high fructose corn syrup. In large amounts, this type of sweetener can trigger gas and bloating. Read your food labels carefully—this sneaky stuff can be found in everything from sodas and juice drinks to deli meats and bottled sauces.
8. Spice things up. Doctors continue to study the powerful potential of your kitchen spice rack. Spices such as black pepper, ginger and turmeric have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that help promote proper digestion and absorption of food.
9. Nosh on probiotic-rich snacks. Some research suggests that probiotics can relieve inflammation in the body and improve digestion overall. Naturally, probiotic-rich foods include yogurt (live active cultures), kombucha and fermented vegetables (think pickles and kimchi).
Related: Prebiotics vs. Probiotics: Here's Everything You Need to Know
Sip your way to relief
10. Cut back on the alcohol. If you drink, do so in moderation and alternate alcoholic beverages with water so that you do not become dehydrated, causing water retention.
11. Try a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. Although there’s no strong evidence that proves apple cider vinegar reduces bloating, some research shows it may lead to better gut health by helping stabilize blood sugar and control appetite.
12. Brew an herbal tea. The oils and compounds found in lemon balm, peppermint and chamomile have been shown to soothe many symptoms of an upset digestive system.
Move with mindfulness
13. Slow down. To avoid the belly pains of overeating, experts recommend eating any meal over a 30-minute period and chewing each mouthful anywhere from 15 to 30 times. Mindful eating will help you eat less and reduce the amount of air you swallow in a meal.
14. Sit up straight. In case you need another reason to stop slouching, here you go: Studies show that intestinal gas moves significantly faster out of the body when sitting in an upright position.
15. Stretch it out. There are dozens of yoga poses, from gentle to advanced, that can help ease bloat-induced discomfort by releasing any areas of abdominal tension that are keeping intestinal gas trapped.
16. Banish bloat at your core. Dr. Lee recommends regular core muscle strengthening, such as planks, resistance band exercises and weight training, to fend off belly bloat in the long term.
17. Meditate. Ease the unwanted effects of anxiety and stress on your gut by regularly practicing relaxation techniques, such as meditation and mindfulness. Don’t know how to get started? Try an app!
18. Walk it out. Some studies show that high-impact or strenuous exercise may actually exacerbate inflammation in the body. However, moderate aerobic movement, such as walking, may help activate the natural contractions of your GI tract, especially after eating meals.
Minimize swallowed air
19. Keep your mouth closed. Talking while eating is not only impolite but also increases the amount of air you’re likely to swallow during a meal.
20. Breathe through your nose while sleeping. If you snore, have sleep apnea or suffer from seasonal allergies, you may be swallowing a great deal of air through your mouth while you’re sleeping and not even realize it. See a sleep doctor if you think this may be happening.
21. Pop a mint, ditch the gum. Chewing gum is one of the most frequent causes of swallowing air, which causes belching and bloating. Reduce your gum habit, and you may reduce bloating.
Seek other medical treatments
22. Treat constipation early. No matter the cause of constipation, it is important to treat it early so that it does not lead to bloating and other problems. Dr. Lee recommends these over-the-counter medications you can try first: psyllium husk fiber, stool softeners and laxatives.
23. Consider charcoal pills. There is some clinical support that charcoal can relieve gas and bloating by binding to unwanted substances in the stomach. But check with your doctor before use.
24. Manage pain without opioids when possible. Since the risk of opioid-induced constipation is high, talk to your doctor about other ways to manage pain, such as non-opioid pain relievers (aspirin, ibuprofen), physical therapy and acupuncture.
25. See a doctor. If your bloating fails to improve or resolve completely after trying lifestyle modifications, it may be time to see a doctor, says Dr. Lee. A doctor can work with you to find the right type of prescription medication and determine whether persistent bloating is an indication of a more serious medical problem. “If in doubt, check it out.”
Next up, discover what it takes to follow a gut-healthy diet.
Dr. Christine Lee, gastroenterologist at Cleveland Clinic
Eat Right.: "The Beginner's Guide to Cruciferous Vegetables"
Cleveland Clinic: "What Is the Keto Diet (and Should You Try It)?"
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Cleveland Clinic: "Diuretics"
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The American Journal of Gastroenterology: "Effects of the DASH Diet and Sodium Intake on Bloating: Results From the DASH–Sodium Trial"
Eat Right: "What Is Potassium?"
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