Where to Shop Hailey Baldwin’s Adorable Lil $4 Eye Masks

Photo credit: Mike Coppola/MG19 - Getty Images
Photo credit: Mike Coppola/MG19 - Getty Images

From Seventeen

Ok, not to sound weird, but Hailey Baldwin has got some glowy a** under eyes. Where most of us hold dark circles, wrinkles, and an ever-present layer of mascara smudge, Hailey has only a sheer canvas of bright, supple skin.

So how does she do it? Yes, it's partly due to a $1k skincare lineup, but her under eye treatment costs way less than that – in fact, it probably costs less than your last trip to Starbucks. Last night, the model shared some relatable masking content, showing off a heart-shaped under-eye gel from beauty brand Skin Camp.

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

The cute lil patches only cost $4.50 per set – which is worth it for the likes alone. The ingredients, though, are where you'll really get your money's worth – hyaluronic acid, rose flower oil, collagen, caffeine, gold and amino acids blend together for a brightening experience that will leave your puffy eyes looking Hailey Baldwin-level smooth.

Of course, one single masking session won't cure those bags, so if you want to go all in on Hailey's $995 skincare routine, you can read the full story here. And my god have mercy on your bank account.


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