What's Your Biggest "Shoot Your Shot" Moment, And How'd It Turn Out?
1 min read
We're about a week into 2022, and even though we're still in this pandemic, I'm feeling inspired to shake things up.
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So, I want to hear from y'all: What's a time in your life that you stepped far out of your comfort zone, took an epic risk, and were so proud that you did so?
And what'd you learn from it? Whether or not it worked out the way you wanted, there's always a lesson in the choices we make.
Did you study abroad in a new country, where you knew absolutely no one, and end up finding yourself?
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Maybe you came out to your parents, despite not knowing how they'd react, and now you're closer than ever.
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Perhaps you're adopted, tracked down your biological parent, reached out to them, and discovered a whole new family.
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Or maybe you chose to be a single mom, and you're so proud of the woman your daughter's growing up to be!
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Could it be that you spotted a cute guy at the book store, paid for his book, asked him out for a cup of coffee, and now you're engaged?
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Or perhaps you quit your stable day job to pursue a passion, and now you're living a life you always dreamed of.