It's Time To Share Those Things You Were So Excited To Do As An Adult, But Are Actually Trash Now That You're Grown

When we're kids, we have a certain idea of what our lives will look like when we're grown-ups.

"I do whatever I want, whenever I want!"
Simonapilolla / Getty Images/iStockphoto

But the dreams you have when you're a child can often be more than a little far off from reality, and when we hit adulthood, we're greeted by a rude awakening.

Like, maybe you thought it would be so fun to have your own money and buy whatever you want when you grew up. But in reality, you have to spend it all on rent, bills, groceries, and insurance.

"But... I don't have any left now."
Cultura Rm Exclusive / Getty Images/Image Source

Or maybe you daydreamed about owning your own business one day, but it's actually so much work, and you're literally never off the clock. What you'd give for even one day off!

"E-commerce is actually murdering me."
Sdi Productions / Getty Images

It could even be that you thought you'd grow up and start a family, but dating is actually such a nightmare that you've begun to wonder why that's something you'd even want in the first place.

"We've been on literally one date."
Rebecca Nelson / Getty Images

Whatever it is, I want to hear about all the things you used to dream about that aren't quite what you thought they'd be. No matter how big or small, I want all the details on the dreams vs. reality.

You can tell me your story in the comments below, or you can submit the anonymously through this Google form.

Your story may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community article!